I assume this all means that the bandits did attack the village, and the villagers threw the egg into the river to keep it out of the bandits' hands.
This little dragon may not imprint - it was said that the dragon only lays an egg when it's close to death, so it seems to be normal for the...
What a collection of odd and very odd stories. And the drawing styles were also quite interesting. To bad it's flagged "complete" when the last story says "to be continued" at the end.
Haha, if that's not a win, I don't know what is. He did cheat a bit, but if he can just keep it together and not admit the cheating, he should be fine.
Haha, this girl is completely unreasonable. But a skillful manipulator, to call him out for groping when it was her idea in the the first place, that is brazen.
But she did armour up, lol.
@Aichan - I'm not so sure that the police would believe him. She can play the innocent girl pretty well.
I find it pointless though to complain about what the MC should be doing when clearly him not doing that is what makes this manga fun.