And what do you expect from a blackmailing scumbag? I may have forgotten how the author makes the characters do stupid things? Or are the characters this foolish?
I remember this series from a while back, I came to check up on it and still no progress. Well thank you for the work that was done to it even though they will never see this comment
I can’t remember what is going on but even if you are the victim a little bit trying to punch a little girl in the face isn’t going to help your case, it is a good way to end up in a ditch
The adventures that stepped forward expecting to be able to kill everyone so in return they should be expecting the same in return....the mc is not much of a berserker mind set from what I can see.
Ps thank you for the translations and do you all sleep? Or are you undead at this point?
I don’t know if this is what the future holds but would any rational person try to hunt down the mc that is an adventure? He brings in so many hunted monsters that the guild workers hate seeing him