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  1. Dwarfy2k

    Ikenie ni Natta Ore ga Nazeka Jashin wo Horoboshite Shimatta Ken - Vol. 1 Ch. 1.2

    Whats weird is they didnt send her after he was sent, why nit just teleport her after?
  2. Dwarfy2k

    The Secret of the Partner Next to You - Vol. 2 Ch. 49

    Drunk MC plot device is annoying, pls stop that
  3. Dwarfy2k

    The Secret of the Partner Next to You - Vol. 2 Ch. 47 - Part 2 Begins

    Remember korean age is 1 younger then stated. So if they say 19 its really 18 as Korean age starts at 1 not 0 although I do believe this has changed recently.
  4. Dwarfy2k

    The Secret of the Partner Next to You - Vol. 1 Ch. 37

    I bet he died and left choi to look after her and told him to not tell her.
  5. Dwarfy2k

    The Secret of the Partner Next to You - Vol. 1 Ch. 36

    Its real sad this side love story is the only 1 I care about lol
  6. Dwarfy2k

    The Secret of the Partner Next to You - Vol. 1 Ch. 34

    As I feared progress will wheel spin until the end. That makes me sad.
  7. Dwarfy2k

    The Secret of the Partner Next to You - Vol. 1 Ch. 33

    So basically swries will be drunk mc will forget progress rinse and repeat until end? Boooo
  8. Dwarfy2k

    The Secret of the Partner Next to You - Vol. 1 Ch. 31

    I pretty much remain for the ogre/elf relationship at this point sadly. Tsundere never gonna win girl while understandable personality just was over played by the author and her "redemption" arc feels hollow. We know the main couple will happen but it'll be dragged out til the end.
  9. Dwarfy2k

    The Secret of the Partner Next to You - Vol. 1 Ch. 24

    Yeah the issue is we know she'll lose but considering her back story it comes across so cruely.
  10. Dwarfy2k

    The Secret of the Partner Next to You - Vol. 1 Ch. 23

    So you have chosen death
  11. Dwarfy2k

    The Secret of the Partner Next to You - Vol. 1 Ch. 21

    The only relationship in this series I like tbh lol
  12. Dwarfy2k

    The Secret of the Partner Next to You - Vol. 1 Ch. 17

    Blue hair defo gonna end up with that gigachad friend. As for the characterisation its hard to tell if fmc is dual personality of ir the latter dom persona is just her real self. My guess would be shes the dom and thats why mc never felt a connection until she revealed her true nature as he...
  13. Dwarfy2k

    The Secret of the Partner Next to You - Vol. 1 Ch. 16

    Oh so it wasnt just me, my phone with the low res option here turned on chugged to read this chapter.
  14. Dwarfy2k

    The Secret of the Partner Next to You - Vol. 1 Ch. 14

    Why does this series keep insisting on the googlely eyes for most of the characters? It makes them look goofy but not haha goofy.
  15. Dwarfy2k

    The Secret of the Partner Next to You - Vol. 1 Ch. 12

    It has to be something before that 2nd year as she attached straight away.
  16. Dwarfy2k

    The Secret of the Partner Next to You - Vol. 1 Ch. 11

    I assume it was soy milk but yeah I dunno why she went to school with food poisoning.
  17. Dwarfy2k

    The Secret of the Partner Next to You - Vol. 1 Ch. 10

    I think this MC so dense blackholes get sucked into him.
  18. Dwarfy2k

    The Secret of the Partner Next to You - Vol. 1 Ch. 7

    We really need a reason why she likes MC, cause so far a wet noodle is harder then the MC.
  19. Dwarfy2k

    The Secret of the Partner Next to You - Vol. 1 Ch. 4

    I'm still conflicted but curious enough to keep reading for now.