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  1. Dwarfy2k

    Kimi wa 008 - Vol. 11 Ch. 96

    Nohara cant be the spy cause of the battle coin round. Why would he attempt to runaway with his yhought set we saw post leaving if he was a spy. This is just bad drama writing.
  2. Dwarfy2k

    Kimi wa 008 - Vol. 11 Ch. 92

    You know these agents and villains dont even try to hide their jobs lol.
  3. Dwarfy2k

    Kimi wa 008 - Vol. 10 Ch. 90

    I mean we know it hurt him when he took the dart to the face so I'm not sure why they ae shocked lol.
  4. Dwarfy2k

    Kimi wa 008 - Vol. 10 Ch. 89

    Kind of annoying that they keep not killing incredibly evil people though. Overall though a nice arc.... wish they had Nanohara like this earlier cause I seriously wanted him out lol
  5. Dwarfy2k

    Kimi wa 008 - Vol. 10 Ch. 88

    Why is Nanohara so useful now? He should have been like this last chapter
  6. Dwarfy2k

    Kimi wa 008 - Vol. 10 Ch. 85

    I think though even before that she never seemed to. Guessing for more blatant expoiltable TnA shots lol.
  7. Dwarfy2k

    Kimi wa 008 - Vol. 10 Ch. 84

    They have an active agent in thier team why wouldnt they get provisional lol silly mc.
  8. Dwarfy2k

    Kimi wa 008 - Vol. 10 Ch. 83

    Thanks for pickin this up. Eh I would have ended the arc with the insane guy being the one to give a coin to have more meaning.
  9. Dwarfy2k

    Kimi wa 008 - Vol. 8 Ch. 73 - Will

    Good at this point I want Nanohara out of the series, hes not funny and is just incredibly annoying to read.
  10. Dwarfy2k

    Kimi wa 008 - Vol. 8 Ch. 71 - Nohara!!

    How to ruin one of your supporting characters 101, make them dumber then a turd. He fell 3 times for a honey trap in like what 5seconds? I get this isnt his area (combat) of expertise but hes a lead weight for the team. If its supposed to be for a joke its not funny its just exasperating. I...
  11. Dwarfy2k

    Kimi wa 008 - Vol. 8 Ch. 68 - Narrowing Destruction

    This is dumb, they were supposed to be covert to not alert the public but this guy is somehow allowed to bomb the area and cut brakes on a bus and hasnt been detained and removed from the academy?
  12. Dwarfy2k

    Kimi wa 008 - Vol. 8 Ch. 67 - Spring Breeze

    I thought teachers were advising on this and kèping tabs? How the feck does a student get away with blatant murder attempts?
  13. Dwarfy2k

    Kimi wa 008 - Vol. 7 Ch. 64 - Lulus

    I agree, lulus is hotter then FMC in my person opinion due to being more realistic figure.
  14. Dwarfy2k

    Kimi wa 008 - Vol. 7 Ch. 63 - A Kitty Friend

    So she the hermit equivalent?
  15. Dwarfy2k

    Kimi wa 008 - Vol. 7 Ch. 61 - Reckless Team

    Whats the point of leaving them with 1 coin? Theyve been beaten and have to survive the 7 days still. Anyone else can just merc them and get that last coin as theyve also been pillaged by mcs team.
  16. Dwarfy2k

    Kimi wa 008 - Vol. 7 Ch. 56 - What Happened That Day

    At least the romance is going at a decent pace, HSDK was a slog for them to both be recepticle and outward showing.
  17. Dwarfy2k

    Kimi wa 008 - Vol. 5 Ch. 46 - The Truth of Death

    Why is MC so suprised someone from Dogmura killed his dad? He's already met one and knew how dangerous/deadly they are....
  18. Dwarfy2k

    Kimi wa 008 - Vol. 3 Ch. 21 - True Motives

    Im glad this series unlike HSDK is letting the romance between the 2 mcs actually progress and not wait the entire series to bloom.
  19. Dwarfy2k

    Kimi wa 008 - Vol. 2 Ch. 9 - Various Explanations

    I think my issue so far with this series compared to Kenichi is the MC. Pseudo Kenichi clone keeps being saved, never really uses wit and is a passively written character instead of active. Kenichi at least grew better over time and felt more grounded. This MC feels like a parody of Kenichi...
  20. Dwarfy2k

    Kimi wa 008 - Vol. 1 Ch. 2

    So far we have Kenichi, Shigure and Siegfried. Boy uis designs never change lol.