Search results

  1. nikidash

    Oversimplified SCP - Ch. 79 - SCP-2770

    @princeofcups 2935 and 3001 beg to differ, and they're just the first that came to mind
  2. nikidash

    Oversimplified SCP - Ch. 79 - SCP-2770

    @Serelanordir only for the submarine to appear as soon as your orbit passes above a body of water or even just another water table. Have fun rlgettijg burned reentering the atmosphere *and* getting basically isekai'd underground Edit: no wait, it seems that the sub doesn't appear if the dude is...
  3. nikidash

    Shikimori's Not Just a Cutie - Vol. 1 Ch. 9.1

    @stef since it's a written reply i can't quite tell if it's a snarky answer or not, but just in case: i did this because i was bored and wanted a reason to justify GIMP still being installed. I've attempted scanlating a series and boy was it a chore that i noped out of, i fully understand...
  4. nikidash

    Tonikaku Kawaii - Vol. 5 Ch. 46 - A short 8 page short this week

    Definitely FlightRadar24, you can recognize the website layout in the last panel on the left. Funnily enough she's watching it on mobile but it shows the PC website version.
  5. nikidash

    Yozakura Quartet - Vol. 23 Ch. 131

    HOLY CRAP YES No more looking at raws while reading a google docs translation while trying to mentally place every dialogue in the correct bubble!
  6. nikidash

    Mahou Shoujo Site - Vol. 14 Ch. 114 - ENTER.59 - Silent Night 1

    >crashed plane's tail number is MH370 You beautiful bastards
  7. nikidash

    Mousou Telepathy - Vol. 7 Ch. 641 - Fear next chapter going to be 641.78 or something?
  8. nikidash

    Yurigurashi - Ch. 3 - Living With An Author

    Just shoot it in my veins fam
  9. nikidash

    Oversimplified SCP - Ch. 38 - SCP-805

    @KiTA IIRC SCPs are rated safe when you can simply leave them in a box and it will stay there. It can be a book that if opened will end the universe, but if it's inanimate you just lock it in a box and you're done, bam safe rating. Euclid is anything that moves autonomously and/or has some...
  10. nikidash

    Yurigurashi - Ch. 1 - Living Carefreely~ Together~

    I shall never not follow Yuri fluff
  11. nikidash

    The Daily Lives of Us Siblings - Vol. 1 Ch. 26 - Menstrual Pain

    @UncleQ hell hath no wrath like a sister on her period. How that guy got to high school age without learning it earlier is beyond me.
  12. nikidash

    The Daily Lives of Us Siblings

    @Cae because it's the same in real life. Especially if the brother is the older sibling.