JB ( the group that translate Kaguya ) is disbanded. So a lot of groups want to pick it up.
The first 5 is probably less accurate since they are taken from Chinese raws instead of OG Japanese.
If you read them all, you will notice wildly different quality. I say give all of them a read...
Translator Here
I realized I made HUGE MISTAKE while I was working on the new raw. Prince Jing isn't DEAD. He went mad.
Misread 失心疯 as 失心病
New chapters will be out soon.
Once again. I am sorry for the mistake.
Ugh ... the art is good and i really like how the heroine look but ... what is happening with the story? Where are they going with this? Like why is the heroine acting like a girl from chapter 1 already?
Translator here
I just realized I made a minor spelling in the last part. It is not Little Qun, it is supposed to be little Qian.
Many Apologies, I already notified the team about my mistake. They probably will change it soon.
Story where things get solved in 1 or 2 chapter
Comment section be like : SO FASTTTTTTT
Story where things don't get solved in 3 or 4 chapter
Comment section be like : SO SLOWWW
In isekai series with OP protag : Protag is too OP. So boring. No stake.
In isekai series with not OP protag : Protag is weak. She should beat every villain ez. So boring.
Come on comments. I thought you all hated OP protag that oneshot baddies. Here for once, we have a protag that had...
For anyone curious about the missing line. ( guessing translation team forget to add in or translate )
MC said both of them are too busy with their own jobs so they can't take care of children.