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  1. B

    Oishinbo - Vol. 5 Ch. 1

    Well, I'm happy to welcome everyone to the 5th volume of Oishinbo! Only 106 more to go! :LOL: I believe we've just caught Kurita feeling a bit jealous about another girl giving Yamaoka attention. I think this might be maybe the first (or second maybe) instance of Kurita showing that she's got a...
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    Oishinbo - Vol. 4 Ch. 9 - Chapter 9

    This finishes up Volume 4! See you in a few days for the start of Volume 5!
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    Oishinbo - Vol. 4 Ch. 8 - Chapter 8

    Personally, I'm not a big tea drinker, anyway. Unless I've got a sore throat or something, I generally avoid hot drinks, so I wouldn't be able to tell good tea from bad.
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    Oishinbo - Vol. 4 Ch. 7 - Chapter 7

    Honestly, I got the biggest laugh from the quote that any chef caught smoking would be fired. In the 80s when this was made, being a chef was almost ubiquitous with being a smoker.
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    Oishinbo - Vol. 2 Ch. 10 - The Value of Patience

    Mugiwara might just be counting total chapters overall. I don't do that because I'd eventually lose track (each volume starts the chapter count over again) as there are more than 1000 overall chapters to the manga. If he can keep track though, more power to him.
  6. B

    Oishinbo - Vol. 4 Ch. 7 - Chapter 7

    For some reason, the machine I use really struggled to translate everyone's name, particularly Kaibara's. It was a bitch to go through and manually fix each one. This chapter was quite heavy on the dialogue, so it took me a bit longer than usual to go through it and fix everything I could. Hope...
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    Oishinbo - Vol. 4 Ch. 5 - Chapter 5

    A couple of quick notes about this chapter: First of all, as a picky eater myself, I feel seen. Second, the machine translator I used clearly messed up the art in a couple of panels (erasing faces). Unfortunately, this is something I really can't fix since I'm not an artist. While it's not a...
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    Oishinbo - Vol. 4 Ch. 4 - Chapter 4

    Well, MSG does equal flavor... Of course Oishinbo has always taken a strong anti-additive stance, so be prepared in the future to see more anti-MSG panels.
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    Oishinbo - Vol. 4 Ch. 4 - Chapter 4

    I can't say I'd agree with him, either. I'm teetotal now (have not had a drop of alcohol since 2010... I had a problem), but I can't say Yamaoka is right. Chablis is one of the few wines that actually DOES go well with oysters. Now, I've never had sake (I know this may be shocking, but it's not...
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    Oishinbo - Vol. 4 Ch. 4 - Chapter 4

    We finally get the debut of Koizumi, the Editor of the paper. I didn't realize that it had taken all the way to Volume 4 before he shows up, but he's going to be a much more prominent character going forward. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I got a good laugh out of it, particularly the last panel.
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    Oishinbo - Vol. 4 Ch. 2 - Chapter 2

    Yeah, Oishinbo's "politics" (for lack of a better word) often leave something to be desired. I'm dreading having to do the pro-whaling chapter, because it's chock full of complete nonsense.
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    Oishinbo - Vol. 4 Ch. 1 - Chapter 1

    In fact, the corresponding anime episode of this particular chapter HAS been English subbed: Episode 16. You can find it on YouTube and elsewhere.
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    Oishinbo - Vol. 4 Ch. 1 - Chapter 1

    Please forgive the extra time it took to complete this chapter. The Chinese names and characters really made the machine go haywire and I had to do a ton of extra work on it. I hope you enjoy!
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    Oishinbo - Vol. 1 Ch. 6 - The Sound of Oil

    Yeah, Mugiwara's TL is much better than mine, which is done with the aid of a machine (and he's actually able to do all the redrawing, stuff that I can't do). I definitely encourage everyone to check out his TLs when they're out. Mine are just meant to give everyone quick access while he works...
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    Oishinbo - Vol. 3 Ch. 4

    Yeah, it’s been doing that to me in some dialogue for the last several chapters. I’m usually able to just fix it right up.
  16. B

    Oishinbo - Vol. 3 Ch. 4

    No. For some reason, that's how it came out in the machine that I used to translate it and because I'm not skilled enough to re-draw backgrounds or anything like that, I just left some of those as is. The issue will likely be fixed when Mugiwara's TL of this chapter is released.
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    Oishinbo - Vol. 3 Ch. 7

    Well, here it is. The first one back after my trip to New York! It took me an extra day or two to figure out that I'm just not skilled enough at re-drawing to properly translate the opera bits into English (after making a few attempts at doing so). I assume Mugiwara's TL will fix the issue I...
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    Oishinbo - Vol. 3 Ch. 6 - Chapter 6

    Well, folks... I'm back from my trip and work will resume on Oishinbo today. Sorry to have kept everyone waiting so long!
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    Oishinbo - Vol. 3 Ch. 6 - Chapter 6

    I think muggers probably have better targets than a gigantic 300lb dude like me that never carries a wallet.
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    Oishinbo - Vol. 3 Ch. 6 - Chapter 6

    Well folks, unfortunately I'm not going to be able to finish volume 3 before I leave for my trip to New York City on Saturday morning (the next chapter is probably going to take considerable work after it goes through the machine because it seems to include some Italian as well). This will be...