Omg, Julius and Roel are perfect for each other XDD Hahahahha XDDD The gap between Julius' appearance (seems cold) & his actual 'cute' personality is really amazing<333 XDDD I ship these two so much with each other<333 XDDD
Am I the only one who thinks that he was really surprised when his hand slapped hers away so suddenly? He even said "Ah" ... As if he too, can't control his body...just like her while they are in heads?
I ship her so much with Kexin X'DDD Why can't my ship just sail X'D Male lead is probably going to be jealous again & interfer in the nice time between Kexin & Yining? -sigh-
What bad timing to get sick X'DDD & it's great that Caesar likes her needle work XDD Maybe it's because this is a manga...but I thought that the cape looks quite amazing?!
Omg, thank you soooo much for translating this chapter<33 I love this manga a lot... (enough to read the raws X'DD)
& I wonder who that myterious butler is.
Thanks for updating two chapters at once! I really appreciate your hard work!
And man, this match was quite exciting seeing how they seemingly went toe to toe. I mean, the brother did feel some pain from getting hit!
Hahahaha XDD So she really does kind of like him & wants to know about his kids a bit more :DD
Also, I am glad that the dad didn't forget that he needs to learn the thousand characters; he promised his daughter after all!
This was so weird XDDD And she was so ready to do the deed with him X'DD C'mon...not even a kiss. But I was wondering how 9 months pregnancy could help with lack of power during the war :'D