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  1. rarewaifu


    can we get to sensei already jesus
  2. rarewaifu

    I Brought Home a Succubus Who Failed to Find a Job. - Vol. 3 Ch. 15 - I really did get charmed

    already spoiled myself since i follow the author on twitter but still.. time to read the "side story" now ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  3. rarewaifu

    Miki-san, Daisuki Desu! - Vol. 1 Ch. 1

    a bit of weird pacing but ill take it, we'll see how this goes
  4. rarewaifu

    Jiken Jaken! - Vol. 4 Ch. 49 - Microexpressions!

    these ch while heartwarming kinda suck because u know 100% hes not interested or theyll never be a thing feelsbadman
  5. rarewaifu

    Sometimes Even Reality Is a Lie! - Vol. 2 Ch. 45 - Friend from School

    what even is this anymore who needs romance amirite
  6. rarewaifu

    Soredemo Ayumu wa Yosetekuru - Vol. 4 Ch. 54 - The 54th move

    she was getting turned on lmao
  7. rarewaifu


    the living embodiment of a reddit and 4-chan user shes a piece of shit but maybe komi can fix her up
  8. rarewaifu

    Jiken Jaken! - Vol. 4 Ch. 47 - Suicide!

    these 2 are adorable i wonder what there married life would be like.. IF THEY EVER DID
  9. rarewaifu

    It's Not Meguro-san's First Time - Vol. 4 Ch. 29 - Not Just That

    @donm527 mhhh idk afterall he did just try taking a picture of her with the temple view without her consent until her friend appeared, that gives off the "i miss her" vibes
  10. rarewaifu

    My Wife Is a Demon Queen - Ch. 196

    isnt that girl the one he slept with in the beginning ?
  11. rarewaifu

    Does Love Need a Translation App? - Ch. 21

    damn that must suck having the person u like mention the other person all the time, good for the other friend for breaking the ice though
  12. rarewaifu

    It's Not Meguro-san's First Time - Vol. 4 Ch. 29 - Not Just That

    someone correct me if im wrong but isnt that dude going out with the other chick? (the one thats crying) if so why in the fuck is this dude going after other girls.. anyways Meguro better tell him off quick
  13. rarewaifu


    really dislike the reincarnation crap but atleast theyre all happy even though its NOT them?? feels kinda hollow oh well, series was still enjoyable despite the ending reminds of Mass Effect 3.. except that ending made me furious haha
  14. rarewaifu


    ngl this feels very "hollow" almost like a last second thing, a rushed backstory thats aiming for romance which has had about 0 build up throughout the series, i feel absolutely nothing for the both of em compared to the other pillars
  15. rarewaifu


  16. rarewaifu


    As the great Speedwagon said to Jonathan about Dio THIS DUDE WAS BORN EVIL
  17. rarewaifu


    RIP to both of em, i thought Tokitou's character was pretty lackluster for the most part but i really liked Genya
  18. rarewaifu


    we will probably never see kanao spank inosuke animated.. feelsbadman
  19. rarewaifu


    would u like to join my religion sir? - upper moon 1