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  1. rarewaifu

    Jiken Jaken! - Vol. 4 Ch. 46 - Disguise!

    what is even real anymore
  2. rarewaifu

    The Story of a Waitress and Her Customer - Ch. 6

    it first started out cute and adorable but now its just uhhh.. idk
  3. rarewaifu

    Jiken Jaken! - Vol. 4 Ch. 45 - Accident!

    looks like the beginning of a hentai
  4. rarewaifu

    Shikimori's Not Just a Cutie - Vol. 7 Ch. 66

    Even the dog was like "bro u gotta do it now ill give u an opening"
  5. rarewaifu


    ngl that zenitsu fight was so pointless, mans got one tapped and boom over with
  6. rarewaifu


    why am i crying in the club rn
  7. rarewaifu


    the ginyu ordeal was honestly so irrelevant and not necessary but atleast it was done and over with instantly and we got the "eating contest" thing haha
  8. rarewaifu


    ?????? is this for real lol didnt think he was that much of a dumbo jesus
  9. rarewaifu


    Inosuke is my fucking spirit animal jesus christ i love him
  10. rarewaifu


    ngl this fight was pretty fucking boring, the other fight with nezuko/tanjiro was more entertaining
  11. rarewaifu


    7th form breath of the terminator
  12. rarewaifu


    "are u retarded?"
  13. rarewaifu

    I Am a Hero

    Such a great read despite the lackluster ending, the journey though was an experience i was very immersed Highly recommend although remember what i said about the ending
  14. rarewaifu

    2.5 Jigen no Ririsa

  15. rarewaifu

    Meguro-san wa Hajimete ja Nai - Vol. 4 Ch. 28 - I was able to remember this

    dude is basically into her again, hopefully she handles this well since she has a man i have faith in Meguro and hopefully he doesnt do some annoying shit like spreading rumors because "she wont come back to me" headass
  16. rarewaifu

    Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san - Vol. 8 Ch. 60 - Senpai... thank you... for coming.

    Man have we come a long way, i remember reading ch1 and absolutely HATING Nagatoro because i thought she was just an ass, now i love her and this series
  17. rarewaifu


    Nezuko pulled a Narujesus lmao
  18. rarewaifu


    gotta save the waifus