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  1. Thynkus

    Ossan, Tenseishite Tensai Yakusha ni Naru - Vol. 1 Ch. 3

    I've seen the raws and even tho I can't read Japanese, the story looks interesting. Anyways, thank you so much for translating this!!! ❤️❤️❤️
  2. Thynkus

    The Little Healer - Ch. 29 - Test of Strength

    Thank you for continuing translating this!!
  3. Thynkus

    Yowaki MAX Reijou nanoni, Ratsuwan Konyakusha-sama no Kake ni Notte Shimatta - Vol. 2 Ch. 11 - The new academic year’s enrolled student

    The blame is not only for Caroline, nor only for those men who were already engaged. It was both parties' fault. Caroline's for being oblivious of what their partners would think and those men for being unfaitful. Let's not switch the blame towards one side, it's both sides fault.
  4. Thynkus

    The Male Lead's Little Lion Daughter - Vol. 2 Ch. 56

    Started reading this yesterday and today I caught up to the latest chapter... Loving the story so far!!
  5. Thynkus

    At the Northern Fort - Ch. 26

    Kugalg and Milfi look so cute together!! Thanks for the translation!!! ♥
  6. Thynkus

    Isekai Walking - Vol. 3 Ch. 21 - The Girls' Secret

    Everyone speaking about harem, f*ck that. Chris and Sora are meant to be together, that's about it.
  7. Thynkus

    Serial Killer Isekai ni Oritatsu - Vol. 1 Ch. 4.5 - Extra

    We need more specials featuring little Shirukyi!! ♥ Anyways, thanks for the translation!
  8. Thynkus

    Destiny Unchain Online ~Kyuuketsu-ki Shoujo to natte, Yagate『Aka no Maou』to Yobareru You ni Narimashita~ - Vol. 3 Ch. 16 - KILL THEM ALL

    Sacrier in Wakfu, Tank/DPS that can heal itself quick and buffs when low on health. Really a monster both in PvP and PvE.
  9. Thynkus

    Daisuki na Kaiinu ga Tensei Shite Kita - Vol. 1 Ch. 4

    Leo is so cute omg!! Thanks for the translation!!!
  10. Thynkus

    Majo no Geboku to Maou no Tsuno - Vol. 14 Ch. 82 - The Witch's Servant and Finding the Culprit

    I need to know what happens next!! The story is completed so there must be more content and I wanna read it so bad!! Btw, thank you for your hard work during all these chapters. ♥
  11. Thynkus

    Negative Yuusha to Maou-gun Kanbu - Vol. 6 Ch. 31

    Oh my god, her happy face is so cute. It is indeed worth protecting! ♥
  12. Thynkus

    Kanzen Kaihi Healer no Kiseki - Vol. 8 Ch. 39 - Shop Fairy's Request

    I'm surprised this manga's score is not at least 8+, the story art and everything is so wholesome, cute and comfy. I just found it 3 days ago and I'm liking it a lot! ♥
  13. Thynkus

    Hell Mode: Yarikomi Suki no Gamer wa Hai Settei no Isekai de Musou Suru - Vol. 6 Ch. 38 - The High Speed Summon

    I don't think the hero is afraid with that last pannel, I think he is just glad that there's someone else with potential to become really powerful, maybe even more than him, who can protect humanity even if he's gone.
  14. Thynkus

    TRPG Player ga Isekai de Saikyou Build wo Mezasu - Vol. 1 Ch. 5 - To Roll the Dice

    Damn, I guess I will only read until the point where the harem starts. But too bad that it will become like that. :(
  15. Thynkus

    Daisuki na Kaiinu ga Tensei Shite Kita - Vol. 1 Ch. 3

    Really wholesome manga, warms my heart just right. ♥
  16. Thynkus

    Netachara-Tensei Toka Anmarida! - Vol. 4 Ch. 17

    I think it was meant to make you decieve enemies that killed you with weapons or normal magic, not an atomic deadly ball of fire, lmao.
  17. Thynkus

    Okiraku Ryoushu no Tanoshii Ryouchi Bouei - Vol. 3 Ch. 15.3

    I mean, I'm thankful for the translation of these chapters... But I really had a hard time trying to understand what I was reading...