@CaShper -- "Lily" as in "Lily Love" by Ranta Satis? If so, then that's a Thai comic by a Thai artist, so it'd be under different rules/regulations.
@Kindablue -- *She; am pretty certain that Tan Jiu is a she.
Thx for the chapter. YLH always like to kick butt while imparting wisdom.
If he knows YLH is the "Spectral Lady" does he also know that she's a she and not a he, or does he just think that "Spectral Lady" was a guy in drag?
TY for translating!
Was hoping that the evildoers would get their due, but frustrating that they lived happily ever after. Awful ppl, her murderers didn't even give the 300 silvers to her mom. Am hoping Lokheun has a plan to get some justice for this poor lady.
Thanks for translating, especially for tweaking MTL results so that the wording actually make sense. A lot of ppl who MTL don't bother which is probably why most MTL translations turn out so nonsensical.
Thanks for translating. I love seeing how Minato's world is slowly opening up. Looking forward to seeing Chika and Sakiko's backstory.
The character development in the next couple of chapters are impressively written [I've read ahead]; and I really hope that the girls continue to positively...
Agree with everyone who think sAkio's "friend" is toxic. That guy is not a friend.
Except for Shiori's manager, all the adults in this story are terrible.
This chapter is so well-done that I had to revise my rating.
Hope this is not the end of the ladies of Speth, and that they'll be able to be get justice.
That whistling...😭
What's with that lady from Dace? She messed up their last live and is now being complimentary?
Can't wait till next chapter, though am still anxious about where the story will proceed given the starting panels in Chapter 1.