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  1. Solipsist

    Yoku Wakaranai Keredo Isekai ni Tensei Shiteita You Desu - Vol. 19 Ch. 88 - I Don't Really Get It, But It Seems Like I'm Getting Rehab Through a Date

    My thoughts exactly. Don't just feel better about yourself, do something about it! At least actively acquire poison resistence ffs. Also, what does she mean "mental resistence"? She had that the entire time...? Yeah, this arc was pretty pointless.
  2. Solipsist

    Yoku Wakaranai Keredo Isekai ni Tensei Shiteita You Desu - Vol. 18 Ch. 87 - I Don't Really Get It, But It Seems Like A Traumatic Experience

    Pretty much what everyone said. Too convenient of a weakness, too effective l, too targeted, etc... But honestly, it makes no sense from a demigod like Ren to have such of a trauma. Not because the event is minor, bur because she has the capacity to create all the defenses and countermeasures...
  3. Solipsist

    Tale of a Scribe Who Retires to the Countryside - Vol. 2 Ch. 167 - Counsel

    One of the nice things about this story, when Bin is involved, most fights end up being more of a matter of reasoning and justifications (even if it's not really high-society poetry or anything), rather than pure force and skill. You know he can just cut everyone down, but it wouldn't...
  4. Solipsist

    Tale of a Scribe Who Retires to the Countryside - Vol. 2 Ch. 166 - The Heart of a Person

    "You are the type of person to want peace! I'll help you by killing the emperor!" Uhhh, listen here buddy...
  5. Solipsist

    Yoku Wakaranai Keredo Isekai ni Tensei Shiteita You Desu - Vol. 17 Ch. 79 - I Don't Really Get It, But It Seems Like The Main Character Has Changed (…

    Two chapters of exposition...? Imagine waiting months to read a TL and ending up with filler, goddang. At least these TLs were dumped all at once... :u Definitely a very funny TL choice, or an especially funny choice of words if that's what was written in Jap. Looking forward to the excucalbibah
  6. Solipsist

    Dungeon ga Arawarete 5-nen, 15-sai de Dungeon ni Idomu Koto ni Shita. - Ch. 8

    If the MC was doubting the validity of those claims, he'd question whether or not he can trust that guy's words, or if "they're really the culprits". But he didn't. He just focused on whether or not "he can make that decision", i.e: can he "kill" someone or not. The rest of the interaction was...
  7. Solipsist

    The Main Heroines Are Trying to Kill Me - Ch. 3

    Considering we sahis flashback, where he stomped tge butler against the floor and berated her: he's not really a good guy, at all. Imma stop reading here.
  8. Solipsist

    The Main Heroines Are Trying to Kill Me - Ch. 2

    Did you ever considered to go fuck yourself? Toxic scum. Anyway, totally forgot what I was reading by the end there. So much for a happy ending.
  9. Solipsist

    Dungeon ga Arawarete 5-nen, 15-sai de Dungeon ni Idomu Koto ni Shita. - Ch. 8

    "This guy is a rapist and serial murderer, and wants to kill you guys. Want me to kill him?" "Wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-whwhwhwhwhwhwhw-what? MURDER? WOH WOH--" That was a really big lmao moment right there. Was there even anything to think about? Obviously the author wanted to show that the MC is...
  10. Solipsist

    D Genesis: Dungeon ga Dekite 3-nen - Ch. 43

    ....? I was talking about the ads in between the link to the Mega page. In the .PDFs and .EPUB files, there're no ads at all.
  11. Solipsist

    S Rank Boukensha de Aru Ore no Musume-tachi wa Juudo no Father Con de Shita - Vol. 9 Ch. 45 - The Curse Cast

    Ah, yes, the wisdom of: "Believe in the me that believes in you", which eventually evolves into: "Believe in the you that believes in you". No cynicism. Truly a banger of a quote to live by.
  12. Solipsist

    Tensei Shitara Sainou ga Atta Ken ~Isekai Itte mo Doryoku Suru~ - Vol. 2 Ch. 6

    Even worse. Badly written POS nobles. That's much worse. This is even worse than wuxia's young lords
  13. Solipsist

    Hell Mode ~Yarikomi Suki no Gamer wa Hai Settei no Isekai de Musou Suru~ - Ch. 71 - Super Fusion

    How the hell did the author stop themselves from doing a gurren-lagann reference, with so many drills in the chapter?
  14. Solipsist

    My New Girlfriend Is Not Human? - Vol. 2 Ch. 57 - I got my legs back

    I feel like this is REALLY where fantasy is at for adults. Not magic swords, not being able to shoot fireballs or being super strong: but having life-changing operations to get your body to normal, or better. It actually makes me wondering if ou the older you get, the more likely you are to be...
  15. Solipsist

    Maryoku Mugen no Manaporter

    I honestly can't believe this exists, and that people actually like it. The "hero" is immediately called out on his obvious shit, and the outcasted guy is immediately recognized. What the fuck was the point? It doesn't even do anything special or funny. It reads like a teen writing their first...
  16. Solipsist

    Sono Monban, Saikyou Nitsuki ~Tsuihou Sareta Bougyo Ryoku 9999 no Senshi, Outo no Monban Toshite Musou Suru~ - Ch. 32.1

    Look at how the artist speedruns ruining a moment with that stupid fan service getup. I managed to forget about that part of this manga..
  17. Solipsist

    Ougon no Keikenchi - Vol. 2 Ch. 6

    Meanwhile, in this chapter of: "Who Gives A Fuck??", some random shmuck we encountered for 1 chapter is obsessed over an MC for absolutely no reason.
  18. Solipsist

    Mamono Kurai no Boukensha - Ch. 1.2

    At least he didn't get to max level by "beating the minotaur" as a technicality. That's peak trash writing even in that genre. Also, pretty funny that the author thought of having the MC address the elephant in the room: "I've thought about doing it before, but the risk was too high..." That's...