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  1. M

    Oversimplified SCP - Ch. 63 - SCP-CN-985

    Don't let the Shark punching center anywhere near this one.
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    Meng Shi Zai Shang

    Master? Want treasure? Let's cultivate together, but alone, just us two, then. *9 months later*
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    Modern MoGal - Vol. 3 Ch. 40 - One More!

    I was going to do a "they took our jobs!" joke, but then the comic did it for me.
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    Oversimplified SCP - Ch. 50 - SCP-3092

    Honestly, these are borderline Keter under the locked box rules.
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    Studying Emperor

    A microbiologist in ancient China?
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    Kyuuketsu! Sakura-chan

    Same author as Musuko ga Kawaikute Shikataganai Mazoku no Hahaoya. Followed.
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    Wedding Impossible

    Okay, it says this is the end but it doesn't seem like a oneshot- it even has "To be continued" at the end, so what's up? Did the person putting this up make a mistake or did this just not continue?
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    Previous entries implied that the last time he wakes up serves as his reload time.
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    Oversimplified SCP - Ch. 22 - SCP-1192

    On the box test, you forgot the fourth category: Thaumiel- i.e. the anomalous object is the box. Also if you take a look into some of the earlier SCPs, you'll find that originally the categories corresponded to to threat level, which has regained traction in a new form designated by colors...
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    Iron Ladies

    23rd century and ten million planets? I know Sci Fi writers have no sense of scale, but this is ridiculous. And we're still having resource shortages? From what I understand, the Solar system alone has enough resources to sustain us for centuries, let alone 10 million worlds. Unless the FTL...
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    Modern MoGal - Vol. 2 Ch. 25 - Grim Reaper Treaty

    You know what would have been the best punchline? If he it is revealed he didn't jump at all , rendering the whole chess duel pointless.
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    Red Яaven - Vol. 9 Ch. 42 - Dictator

    Last page- You know, that was actually a pretty good twist. Why else would he be so sure of his victory if his best piece was on the other side.
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    Humans are the Strongest Race ~Starting a Slow Life with an Elf Wife in a Different World~

    Seems to be wasted potential. I mean the premise can be used to ask a whole bunch of questions- like are humans naturally stronger than all other races or is there something special about that world that makes us so? How would they react if the MC told the came from a world where the reverse of...
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    Crawling Dreams - Vol. 2 Ch. 13 - Purpose of Humanity

    This guy is absolutely wrong! Dopamine is a feedback mechanism intended to reward the brain when something good happens and push the organism in question toward survival and procreation.
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    MangaDex v3 is live, and a general site update!

    The new system is glitchy as heck - in addition to unnatural amounts of lag, it has a habit of resetting to a random page every so often when you click.
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    Chong Sheng - Resurrection

    At long last, the fated meeting has occurred.
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    Jingai no Yome to Icha Icha suru - Anthology Comic

    That last one was way too short.