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  1. Kaisermutt

    Heterogeneous Linguistics - Vol. 4 Ch. 30 - We're Both in the Same Boat

    @Raknasuu no, this isn't official. I was just suggesting that people buy the official English
  2. Kaisermutt

    Heterogeneous Linguistics - Vol. 4 Ch. 30 - We're Both in the Same Boat

    @Esper a lot of it is the typesetting
  3. Kaisermutt

    I Want to Teach Marie-sama a Lesson! - Vol. 1 Ch. 7 - I Want to Teach Poteta a Lesson

    @Dantrig Yes, it also looks like grandma the fuckin thing
  4. Kaisermutt

    I Want to Teach Marie-sama a Lesson! - Vol. 1 Ch. 7 - I Want to Teach Poteta a Lesson

    @3ds1234 Sorbet better watch out or soon enough she'll start training him
  5. Kaisermutt

    I Want to Teach Marie-sama a Lesson! - Vol. 1 Ch. 4 - I Want to Teach Her a Lesson in Gaming

    There was a very fitting extra page that Nyoro Porata uploaded on Twitter and I just added onto the end. Here's the link for the untranslated original tweet:
  6. Kaisermutt

    Usotsuki Android - Vol. 2 Ch. 12 - After School Tea Time Before The Storm

    @urtoast I only know about it from A Way With Words, which is a great language podcast. They mentioned both dog and horse and I went with dog for typesetting reasons
  7. Kaisermutt

    Amakara Gishimai ni Hasamarete Masu

    @monkey123 Oh, OK
  8. Kaisermutt

    Amakara Gishimai ni Hasamarete Masu

    @monkey123 who?
  9. Kaisermutt

    Amakara Gishimai ni Hasamarete Masu - Vol. 1 Ch. 2

    @johnpoop2529 jk, the premise for this is fun so I think I'll stay with it. I personally enjoy her and think she's necessary to keep the balance and keep Suzuho and Takashi from upping the age rating of this manga
  10. Kaisermutt

    Amakara Gishimai ni Hasamarete Masu - Vol. 1 Ch. 2

    @johnpoop2529 If she goes I go.
  11. Kaisermutt

    I Want to Teach Marie-sama a Lesson! - Vol. 1 Ch. 3 - I Want To Teach The Rival Lady A Lesson

    @urtoast that never even occurred to me but now that you say it that would explain how the name Mordomo seemed to come from nowhere.
  12. Kaisermutt

    Amakara Gishimai ni Hasamarete Masu - Vol. 1 Ch. 1

    @D0g3-salad @urtoast That seems likely, and that interpretation still fits with the translation of 「対象内 」as "on target"
  13. Kaisermutt

    Namekawa-san Won't Be Bullied - Ch. 50 - Namekawa-san Doesn't Want to be Mocked on Halloween: Revenge

    @Lilliwyt it's funny that this is the chapter you comment that on, just wait one more.
  14. Kaisermutt

    Amakara Gishimai ni Hasamarete Masu - Vol. 1 Ch. 1

    I wish I could get the raws for this because I am genuinely itching to make my own translation of this chapter. I thank the translator for putting forth the effort to release this, but I think they could really benefit from better proofreading and reaching out to other scanlators about how to...
  15. Kaisermutt

    Usotsuki Android - Vol. 2 Ch. 10 - Outdoor School Overnight Trip

    @galaxia9 yeah, the "that makes us rivals" from chapter 9 is clusivity ambiguous (the "us" could mean “you and me" or "him and me")
  16. Kaisermutt

    Usotsuki Android - Vol. 2 Ch. 10 - Outdoor School Overnight Trip

    @Kushikime of course, I'm glad you did
  17. Kaisermutt

    Namekawa-san Won't Be Bullied - Ch. 47 - Namekawa-san Doesn't Want to be Mocked on a Movie Date

    @yurieureka I can't believe my brain didn't put 2 and 2 together, I didn't connect the チューチュー (kissy kissy, chū chū) with the トライン (train) and see that it was choo choo train, making the whole thing a much more coherent pun
  18. Kaisermutt

    Namekawa-san Won't Be Bullied - Ch. 47 - Namekawa-san Doesn't Want to be Mocked on a Movie Date

    @mekrabbat that seems to be the case. The Japanese there is pretty straightforward so I don't think I missed some genius plan, I think Namekawa just planned to call her out in a public place. Not like that could ever stop Prez though.
  19. Kaisermutt

    I Want to Teach Marie-sama a Lesson! - Vol. 1 Ch. 6 - I Want to Teach Her a Lesson at a Swimsuit Competition

    @Istvan90623 Just because Japan isn't in a bubble doesn't mean they pay attention to the squabbles of action stars from decades ago. The original was actually Sorbenegger but that's a really iffy looking word and I don't want ever reader to do a double take thinking that Marie just dropped a...