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  1. Cerberusyuri


    @darklighto waaaait wurd lizensiert ?_? darf man also ne version im laden erwarten? wenn ja wann und wie teuer is so n ding XD? (ich hab ja ncih viele mangas aber den würd ich mir definitiv zulegen)
  2. Cerberusyuri


    well obviously not the real chapter even if it had no name since its 3 days before the release date XD
  3. Cerberusyuri


    @SLvKira wollt grad fragen ob du mal was posten kannst da die seite ne menge Kiras hat xD, und wo wir dabei sind wennde hilfe brauchst kannst ja ma bescheid sagen, abhängig davon was du brauchst kann ich vllt helfen^^ grad wenns um grafische sachen geht. (dann ambesten über discord wennde da...
  4. Cerberusyuri


    hmmm nice Deutsche version, wenn der rest auch noch kommt kann ichs endlich nem Kumpel vorschlagen der zu faul is englisch zu lesen XD
  5. Cerberusyuri

    Yasei no Last Boss ga Arawareta! - Vol. 7 Ch. 32 - Fury

    meet the vampire loli ... welp ... i rather stay with our busty protagonist here xD
  6. Cerberusyuri

    She Professed Herself Pupil of the Wise Man

    if theres someone who can translate japanese here feel free to write me in private, editing the raw and put the text on it can't be that hard so with a translation we could add the latest 3 chapter^^
  7. Cerberusyuri

    She Professed Herself Pupil of the Wise Man

    @Livamyyo good question, there are already raws for 41, 42 and 43 but nobody translates them xS
  8. Cerberusyuri

    The Blade of Evolution Walking Alone In The Dungeon - Ch. 13

    why am i not surprised such a bitch is in such a bullshit guild XD?
  9. Cerberusyuri

    The Blade of Evolution Walking Alone In The Dungeon - Ch. 11

    "this is a first time i see a fight to the death" ... nobody's watching tv these days huh? ... or is going to war or anything.... and how sick is this even ... they're hyped to see a battle to the death xD i mean from their point of view its real... this world setting is a bit too strange xS a...
  10. Cerberusyuri

    Arifureta Shokugyou de Sekai Saikyou - Vol. 7 Ch. 42 - Papa

    @kazundetec it's always like that, its just sad that we might have to wait til december until the manga is where the anime endet xd
  11. Cerberusyuri

    Hazure Skill "Kage ga Usui" o Motsu Guild Shokuin ga, Jitsuwa Densetsu no Ansatsusha - Vol. 2 Ch. 9

    jupp making the feudal lord kneel infront of him is a totaaaal normal thing to do xD
  12. Cerberusyuri


    @DeerA no new chapters since 3 months Q_Q are there no new raws released or does the group needs help somewhere?_?
  13. Cerberusyuri

    Fate/Type Redline - Vol. 2 Ch. 5.1

    well this is a nice idea but even for Fate 100% impossible. If she gets killed by him being Sabers Master he will vanish? If he vanishes and basicly never existed then he wouldn't be Sabers Master as such his Grandmother wouldn't die but the story would play out as "planned" But then again it...
  14. Cerberusyuri

    Isekai Monster Breeder - Vol. 1 Ch. 1

    hm would've done the same, she's a monster on the inside so why not XD
  15. Cerberusyuri

    Zettai ni Damage o Ukenai Skill o Moratta node, Boukensha to shite Musou shite miru - Vol. 1 Ch. 1

    feels a bit rushed.... well i'll see how it'll be in the next chapters XS
  16. Cerberusyuri

    EDENS ZERO - Vol. 12 Ch. 98 - Advent of the Demon King

    for some reason, like on the last page, i feel like the artist reuses shots from Natsu for Shiki xS
  17. Cerberusyuri

    Ayakashi Triangle - Vol. 1 Ch. 3 - I Just Can't Accept That

    Kon and Haku ... well Spirit and body or if you translate it other way you get a White Fox XDD
  18. Cerberusyuri

    Fate/Type Redline - Vol. 1 Ch. 2.1

    judging from the appearance of Avalon i'm not sure if its cannon or uncannon. well if it is cannon i'm wondering if they explain how Avalon found its way into the Einzberns hands.
  19. Cerberusyuri

    Fate/type Redline - Vol. 1 Ch. 1

    they alwasys have to do this shot huh xD?
  20. Cerberusyuri

    Isekai de Tochi o Katte Noujou o Tsukurou - Vol. 1 Ch. 1

    @YouthfullMan yeah he basicly starts harvestmoon or stardew valley with max upgrade... thaaats cheating XD