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  1. Cerberusyuri

    Chiisai Nozomi to Ooki na Yume - Vol. 3 Ch. 14

    well i'm happy to see a new chapter and the translation doesn't seem to be that bad (i've definitely seen worse) so i'm happy with it :3
  2. Cerberusyuri

    Isekai Monster Breeder - Vol. 2 Ch. 17

    great... he still killed him XD
  3. Cerberusyuri

    Isekai Teni, Jirai Tsuki. - Ch. 4.2

    "let's go shopping tomorrow" yeah i'll see ya in 5 months XD
  4. Cerberusyuri

    Arifureta Shokugyou de Sekai Saikyou - Vol. 8 Ch. 48 - What We Want

    Hiyama can be pretty happy that Hajime doesn't just kill him XD he would deserve it (but i guess thats a way of saying "thanks" cause he wouldn't be where he is now without that guy)
  5. Cerberusyuri

    Hokkaidou no Geneki Hunter ga Isekai ni Hourikoma Rete Mita ~Elf Yome to Meguru Isekai Shuryou Life~ - Vol. 1 Ch. 2.1

    ... how old was he xD? doesn't look old enough to even have his "wedding night"
  6. Cerberusyuri

    Slave of Black Knight - Vol. 1 Ch. 3 - The Guild was White

    @Syde I know, i was just showing that you probably wouldn't even be able to within the maximum time^^, half the time just makes it worse XD
  7. Cerberusyuri

    EDENS ZERO - Ch. 123 - The Light of Justice

    pretty sure his hair is blue now XD (guess i don't have to explain why) not even remember his name, that "in the name of justice" dood
  8. Cerberusyuri

    Slave of Black Knight - Vol. 1 Ch. 3 - The Guild was White

    a bit over the top. 100+ within 3 days. or technically not even 72 hours i guess it's only in the city, then you have to think about the way from one to another. Even if he could do some quests in the same place it would still be pretty much impossible. (unless the pile of requests he carried at...
  9. Cerberusyuri

    There's No Way I Can Have a Lover! *Or Maybe There Is!? - Vol. 2 Ch. 12

    hmmm "This chapter is unavailable." for me Q_Q
  10. Cerberusyuri

    The God of "Game of Gods" - Ch. 21

    ... blondy just made her grave, usually the person that says the "with great power" line dies later XD
  11. Cerberusyuri

    The God of "Game of Gods" - Ch. 16

    Hey >_> someone tell him Gil wants his chains back! XD
  12. Cerberusyuri

    The God of "Game of Gods" - Ch. 14

    well it is a bit surprising, but...i guess it's not called "god of game of gods" for no reason xD still .. that makes it pretty uninteresting i guess, it would be hard to make progress if you're already god...
  13. Cerberusyuri

    Getsuyoubi no Tawawa - Vol. 1 Ch. 4 - Kouhai-chan, Part 2

    page 7 still has the best page ever xD always makes me laugh XD
  14. Cerberusyuri

    Bokutachi no Remake - Vol. 2 Ch. 9 - It's not like we can't help it....

    well at least for the filming wouldn't it work if they just go with stop motion?_?
  15. Cerberusyuri

    EDENS ZERO - Ch. 120 - Rebecca vs. Britney

    if she keeps f***ing with time like that Rebecca would turn Shiki into a demon king or something xD wouldn't be the first time things changed like cause of that
  16. Cerberusyuri

    EDENS ZERO - Ch. 119 - Homura vs. Mora

    hmmm not a Wolverine but close XD
  17. Cerberusyuri

    Lord, It Doesn't Matter - Ch. 38

    Hmmm wasn't he a man last time xD? When did he get so "big"
  18. Cerberusyuri

    Jitsu wa Ore, Saikyou Deshita? - Vol. 4 Ch. 24 - Unplanned Research

    she really looks strange without her ears xS
  19. Cerberusyuri

    Otomege Sekai wa Mob ni Kibishii Sekai desu - Vol. 5 Ch. 23 - Sky Pirate Subjugation I

    god this "girl" that messed with olivia again ... and now she gets on angies bad side again ... i get the feeling she's some kind of masochist xS