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  1. Cybernatus

    MangaDex S5E5 - Anniversary & Staff AMA

    How time flies, MangaDex went through many hells and still bring us heaven. May the force still be with you, and get some cake for the not-so-far-away 10 years cap 🎂
  2. Cybernatus

    The Girl I Like Forgot Her Glasses - Vol. 10 Ch. 95

    The feelings are strong in this chapter, good job both of you OwO
  3. Cybernatus

    The most I'm using this forum, the better my opinion of it is growing. As someone who used them...

    The most I'm using this forum, the better my opinion of it is growing. As someone who used them frequently but went down one by one, seeing MD Forums back on good tracks is relieving. Forums still have great opportunities, let's keep them on living 🤗
  4. Cybernatus

    Forums are back - what you should know

    Oh sh-yeah! Here we go again 🤙
  5. Cybernatus

    What you need to know about the recent MangaDex data breach

    Sad day cause of sad hackers, hopefully most users are indeed using different passwords for their different accounts. I was afraid the leak would cause MD to shut down way longer or even permanently, I'm glad it got back up rather quickly.
  6. Cybernatus

    Under the Paws of Cats - Ch. 19 - The Feeling of Being Taken Care of

    Nice! Human kitten sure love to pet cats, not sure if you can rest more with him however ;w;
  7. Cybernatus

    The Rhodes Island Experiences - Ch. 292

    When EA Games logic invade your daily fluffy manga, you know something is wicked ;o;
  8. Cybernatus

    Under the Paws of Cats

    This is very cute and entertaining by itself, I couldn't care less if considered some kind of ripoff since it does just fine and I'd really like to see more ;w;
  9. Cybernatus

    Under the Paws of Cats - Ch. 15 - False Alarm

    Not seeing that much of interest from people on this sadden me, so I'd like to thank you very for translating this very cute story 😊
  10. Cybernatus

    Planet Nya Nya Nya~ - Ch. 35 - Drinking Habits (1)

    The best way to quickly resume the series! Thanks for the translation <3
  11. Cybernatus

    The Fantasie of a Stepmother - Vol. 1 Ch. 56 - First Family Trip (2)

    By the way since I've forgotten to do so earlier, please send all your thanks to @leslie_zyy for being the one and only behind this chapter 🤗. He will be credited as the original uploader once staff comes around to update it.
  12. Cybernatus

    Senpai ga Uzai Kouhai no Hanashi - Vol. 7 Ch. 133

    So it really is a trend to fuss over this relationship, which is all fine and will only trigger you cause you need to show people how things should go like your standards IN A FICTIONAL STORY? For damn sake, stop reading Mangas at once if you are repelled by what's happening and create a stupid...
  13. Cybernatus

    Eleceed - Ch. 113 - Chapter 113

    @riinflorida I'm forwarding this to @Fheng (the original uploader) so he can investigate this.
  14. Cybernatus

    Eleceed - Ch. 120 - Chapter 120

    @Furakutaru I forward your question to @Fheng since I'm uploading these chapters on his behalf, so he can reply.
  15. Cybernatus

    Mahou Tsukai no Deshi ga Warau Toki. - Vol. 1 Ch. 1 - Namae Ouka

    Uploaded by request of @pyffiesti
  16. Cybernatus


    Uploaded by request of @EternalSleeper
  17. Cybernatus

    "Ippon" again! - Vol. 1 Ch. 1 - Good Feelings

    And there we welcome an long-awaited English version for this very nice series, thank you!
  18. Cybernatus

    Goblin Is Very Strong - Vol. 5 Ch. 40

    I'm not fine with how it's going on, like do we now need to mimic shitty video games industry by buying a DLC for a proper end of a story? I hope it will be back to properly conclude all this build up plot very soon.