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  1. jellu

    Kiyo in Kyoto: From the Maiko House - Vol. 6 Ch. 62 - Lucky and Unlucky

    @namisora same. Peaking in someone else's stuff is not nice..
  2. jellu

    Furenaide Little Star - Ch. 1

    ..haru is hot but damn boy gotta learn about Consent.
  3. jellu

    Seasons of Blossom - Vol. 1 Ch. 2 - EP. 1 Bomi's Flower (2)

    I like how straightforward the friend is.
  4. jellu

    The Only Love I Know - Ch. 20

    Thanks for the translation! Oh no Hari... please author let her be happy for real @victoriareadsmanga i 100% agree with everything you said. Hari is really strong, the confrontation was 10/10. Gotta be honest I didn't expect this much of drama when I started reading, but it's quite enjoyable...
  5. jellu

    The Only Love I Know - Ch. 19

    YES GIRL. I LOVE HOW HARI KNOW WHAT'S APPROPRIATE AND WHAT'S NOT. like how she said in some chapters ago when thinking back on her friendship, something alongs the line of"why did i become friend with such a selfish person" And now when she said Yuha doesn't have the right to decide on her...
  6. jellu

    The Only Love I Know - Ch. 17

    HOLY SHIT Yuha. I love you so much for the last few panels. @Soleil119 URG I just understood what she meant when i read your comment. The fuck i thought they are close, why tf would she mentioned something that she know is a trauma for her and brother...
  7. jellu

    The Only Love I Know - Ch. 16

    I feel so bad for Hari. Her parent are not around and she is the oldest sister so i think that's why she is used to pretend to be fine for her family sake.
  8. jellu

    The Only Love I Know - Ch. 14

    Ok at least Yuha has reflected on his behavior and want to apologize. The "sunbae" tho, please f*ck off.
  9. jellu

    The Only Love I Know - Ch. 8

    Oh no hari...
  10. jellu

    The Only Love I Know - Ch. 7

    Lmaoooo the friend has officially lost her mind. I feel kinda bad for her but also its time for Hari to speak up.
  11. jellu

    The Only Love I Know - Ch. 6

    I love hari. Her common sense and responses are top notch.
  12. jellu

    The Only Love I Know - Ch. 5

    Hari should cut tie with all these ppl lmao...
  13. jellu

    Online Game Nakama to Sashi Off shitara Shokuba no Onijoushi ga Kita - Vol. 1 Ch. 20

    My dude is truly painfully oblivious. Glad they are together now. Tho i also want more sweet couple scenes... Thank you for your work on this series! It's really cute and enjoyable.
  14. jellu

    Sorry I Couldn't Protect You! - Ch. 3

    The male 'friend' is a dick.
  15. jellu

    Gosan no Heart - Vol. 1 Ch. 2 - The Heart of Miscalculation

    Definitely red flags from both of them if this is irl but holy fuck this is so Hot
  16. jellu

    Accidentally in Love with Him - Ch. 5

    Must be a really weird experience for K lol. Watching strangers have sex on his bed
  17. jellu

    Serious Joke - Vol. 1 Ch. 3

    Lolol they are so cute. Love how they are so comfortable with each other Thanks for the translation!
  18. jellu

    Don't Forget These Feelings - Vol. 1 Ch. 9

    Thank you for the translation