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  1. Duribu

    YuruYuri - Vol. 17 Ch. 129 - Energy Levels That Shouldn't Even Be Possible

    Wow, a yryr update after nearly a year. Great!
  2. Duribu

    Touhou - Sugar, Spice and Everything Nice (Doujinshi) - Oneshot

    The "red light!" thing was adorable
  3. Duribu

    Menhera Shoujo Kurumi-chan - Vol. 2 Ch. 23 - Recollection ①

    If the rest of the series hasn't made it clear, this girl has problems.
  4. Duribu

    Touhou - Anata ni Akai Hitotoki wo. (Doujinshi) - Oneshot

    Remilia is so cute in doujins
  5. Duribu

    Touhou Chireikiden - Hansoku Tantei Satori

    What's the release schedule on this one? Quarterly like Visionary Fairies?
  6. Duribu

    Menhera Shoujo Kurumi-chan - Vol. 1 Ch. 20 - I don't really know

    Man. One unfinished 4koma. This is barely even a page, let alone a chapter.
  7. Duribu

    What kind of girls do you like, Tsuji-kun?

    I get he's teasing her, but it comes across as a bit too mean.
  8. Duribu

    A Story About Wanting to Commit Suicide, but It's Scary so I Find a Yandere Girl to Kill Me, but It Doesn't Work

    I feel like it's lost its original focus. I mean sure, I'm not sure how long a single focused story on the two protagonists here could go, but at this point they're barely even background characters.
  9. Duribu

    Touhou ~ The Shinigami's Rowing Her Boat as Usual - Ch. 1

    The art from this mangaka is always so good.
  10. Duribu

    Touhou Chireikiden - Hansoku Tantei Satori Also over here
  11. Duribu

    Touhou Chireikiden ~ Hansoku Tantei Satori - Vol. 1 Ch. 1 - The SDM Case Goes Under the Ground (Pt. I)

    Very different art style from previous official releases. Interesting!
  12. Duribu

    I Brought Home a Succubus Who Failed to Find a Job. - Vol. 1 Ch. 4

    Gotta defend your waifu's honor I suppose.
  13. Duribu

    Hino-san no Baka - Vol. 4 Ch. 43

    When she already chomp but she keep suckin
  14. Duribu

    Touhou - Telephone Club de o RingRing (Doujinshi)

    Hey it's not like Sumireko can't dream again.
  15. Duribu

    Touhou - Liar (Doujinshi) - Oneshot

    Just get married already
  16. Duribu

    Spirited Away by the Rain Woman Youkai

    Is this dead?
  17. Duribu

    Mado Kara Madoka-chan - Vol. 4 Ch. 42 - Madoka-chan's bean throwing

    This one is thick with Japanese cultural references. Fun!
  18. Duribu

    Touhou - Alice x Marisa (Doujinshi)

    Margaret? Looks like Marisa.