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  1. deleteTF


    I Don't even know what the TL is saying on the credits page most of the time, but it's just a credit page, imagine being so entitled like beta Stefan. Also the "special thanks: Stefan" on the credits page made me laugh so hard, thanks Sexy akiba detectives.
  2. deleteTF

    Kono Yuusha ga Ore TUEEE Kuse ni Shinchou Sugiru - Vol. 2 Ch. 8 - 1 vs 10000

    Coitado do Mash, próximo capítulo quero ver Seiya destruindo esse velinho ai. Uma pergunta também, ja estamos no capítulo atual? as RAW's do mangá ja estão em que capítulo?
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    Agravity Boys - Vol. 1 Ch. 3 - I'm Gonna Be (500au)

    This new series is pretty good, looking forward to more.
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    Suki na Ko ga Megane wo Wasureta - Vol. 4 Ch. 46

    @Invader_Retro I'm pretty sure i already saw this chapter before... Well whatever i guess, if you say it's new than it must be true.
  5. deleteTF

    Suki na Ko ga Megane wo Wasureta - Vol. 4 Ch. 46

    This chapter was already uploaded wasn't it? Why the re-upload?
  6. deleteTF

    Tsukiiro no Invader - Vol. 1 Ch. 5 - Maid Cafe Aliens

    @Lee-Nyan No worries, thanks for your hard work on the manga, i visited your site and read some of your group's work there, good stuff! @JoeyKicks The chapters are only uploaded to the PsychoPlay site so check there if you want.
  7. deleteTF


    >I bet Nino acting like that is because she angry at Yotsuba for not even going out with her despite being the chosen girl. That's what i said man, and that's the reason Miku said what she said, i don't think it's like Miku at all to suggest something like that seriously, you will se what i...
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    Psycho Play

    Thanks for your work on Tsukiiro no invader!
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    Tsukiiro no Invader - Vol. 1 Ch. 5 - Maid Cafe Aliens

    I really like this manga, it's a shame it's monthly, are the chapters up to date yet? Anyway thanks for the translation!
  10. deleteTF


    @JKTV I Think you are missunderstanding Miku intentions, she heard that Youtsuba and Fuutarou aren't going out yet, and got angry and confused as to why (i'm making an assumption, but that's probably right), so the question "I'm gonna dress up as you and go out with fuutarou" is probably just a...
  11. deleteTF


    @Harem_Sovereign @TrueGoddessReincarnation Ironic shitposting is still shitposting, and will get your banned. Don't blame the mods if you act like and idiot and afterwards say "oh i was just pretending".
  12. deleteTF

    Show who replied to you (kinda like 4chan)

    Hey, I was reading a discussion on a manga's chapter thread and after a lot of messages it was kind of hard to know which message is meant for who and what specific message. So i think that implementing a system where someone can reply to a specific comment of someone, and that comment can now...
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    Saeki-san wa Nemutteru

    @kuronix Thanks, i hate it.
  14. deleteTF

    Vinland Saga - Vol. 23 Ch. 166 - Vinland Saga

    @Usale Don't get dismotivated, thanks for the chapter!
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    @CarrinhoFoda kkkkk calma lá cara
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    Act-Age - Vol. 9 Ch. 87 - Data de Validade

    Obrigado pelo capítulo!
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    Will The Undine Fall In Love Again Today? - Vol. 2 Ch. 12 - A Camel-Riding Date In The Desert

    Thanks so much for picking this up! Good job guys!
  18. deleteTF

    Major site update: Group blocking, more external links and upcoming infrastructure upgrades

    @Yatsuki Yes i agree with you, personally i would like him banned but he did nothing wrong so far, so i'm cool with it.
  19. deleteTF

    Major site update: Group blocking, more external links and upcoming infrastructure upgrades

    @DarkdooM I'm too certain he is trolling, but you can't prove it. He is not breaking any rules, so therefore he doesn't deserve a ban. If they ban him, it would be a slippery slope, so they should avoid that.