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  1. Solipsist

    Kimi wa Meido-sama - Vol. 2 Ch. 13 - You are a Fang

    What Ms.assassin doesn't understand, is that every anime protagonist-kun would be never behave like what you'd expect out of an actual human being. Silly assassin. Didn't do her homework for shit.
  2. Solipsist

    A Girl Who Can't Speak Thinks "She Is Too Kind."

    Something just occurred to me....Why isn't she using a smartphone to communicate with others? She can even set presets to specific sentences and run them through text-to-speech... Some of the problems that this girl has in school and with other people, suddenly become incredibly trivial.
  3. Solipsist

    How to Fight - Vol. 1 Ch. 31 - May I have your attention, please

    @CrimsonEclipse18 It almost makes you wonder why does this story even has these moments, to begin with.
  4. Solipsist

    Creepy Cat - Vol. 3 Ch. 297 - True Culprit

    @Sleepii I don't feel like re-reading these 200 or so pages, so I can say that while reading the story, I kept saying to myself: "Oscar, give up already, she's not into you." Calling him a massive stalker may had been a stretch, I'll give you that. He's not even a villain, just a pain in the...
  5. Solipsist

    Shiawase Kanako no Koroshiya Seikatsu - Vol. 2 Ch. 26

    Ah shit, I had a backlog of 5 chapters and THIS is the chapter I have to stop on? God damn it, that cliff. lel.
  6. Solipsist

    Shiawase Kanako no Koroshiya Seikatsu - Vol. 2 Ch. 23

    I am always surprised to come across Japan's bizarre balance between hallucinogenic cultural abnormalities, and extreme traditionalism. The entirety of Japan's culture seems to me like one big fat example of an oxymoron. Somehow traditional, yet radical and "perverted". Like, I still cannot...
  7. Solipsist

    Creepy Cat - Vol. 3 Ch. 298 - Complete

    @chonkury If that'd be the case, I feel like we will all know to truly not question anything about the story ever again... I'm already 90% sure the author is just writing this as they go, with no plan in mind. But that'd really nail it down... <:
  8. Solipsist

    Creepy Cat - Vol. 3 Ch. 297 - True Culprit

    @Sameshark The "hate" for Oscar stems from his behavior since the start of the series, which is that of an ENORMOUS stalker. His childhood flashbacks only helped strengthen that hate, for a while. The majority of you who do not understand that one point staggers me. Seriously, think back about...
  9. Solipsist

    Hyouken no Majutsushi ga Sekai o Suberu - Vol. 2 Ch. 12 - Mentor

    It's a small thing, But I wanted the mentor to wheel herself, rather than have Ray do it for her. It'd have given her an image of strength and independence, rather than a withered flower that's barely holding on.
  10. Solipsist

    Tsuki ga Michibiku Isekai Douchuu - Ch. 57 - Blue Light

    I feel like an intense fight has happened, but the drawing is so dirty, or the page quality is low enough, that everything appears smudged and intermixed. It's really hard to appreciate anything that is happening.
  11. Solipsist

    Sousou no Frieren - Vol. 3 Ch. 26 - Present for a Warrior

    @aodpds711 Funny, I just plopped into the comments section to say it'd be utterly outrageous if this manga, of all things, will not get an anime adaptation.
  12. Solipsist

    Isekai ni Otosareta… Jouka wa Kihon!

    This isekai is already a lot better by default, just because the MC is not the generic kid who constantly goes: "Ehehe, I wonder what my <<[[SKILLS]]>> are!?, Status! Job! I shall slice you with my <<Swordsmanship>> skill!" His magic is way too overpowered, but it's genuinely staggering just how...
  13. Solipsist

    Eiyuu no Musume Toshite Umarekawatta Eiyuu wa Futatabi Eiyuu o Mezasu - Vol. 3 Ch. 16.2

    Aiight, this one has officially become to dull to continue reading.
  14. Solipsist

    Jishou Akuyaku Reijou na Konyakusha no Kansatsu Kiroku - Vol. 5 Ch. 26

    What a god damn stupendous chapter. Holy hell. In a long, long while, I haven't felt like: "This was a good chapter". @feha That's a good point, and it does put a good spin on the "Heroine". But honestly, did she ever act like she was thinking about anyone but herself? In-game, the...
  15. Solipsist

    Creepy Cat - Vol. 3 Ch. 296 - Awareness

    @Groomp Then I might've misread, alright.
  16. Solipsist

    Isekai Mokushiroku Mynoghra: Hametsu no Bunmei de Hajimeru Sekai Seifuku - Vol. 2 Ch. 6.1 - Clash

    Hey, look! Info dumps I am going to forget about in a few days, because this comic updates once a month!
  17. Solipsist

    Creepy Cat - Vol. 3 Ch. 296 - Awareness

    Well, we already know that creepycats are going to maul Oscar while he hides in a locker with the book in his possession, so this scene looks pretty weird right now.
  18. Solipsist

    Ihoujin, Dungeon ni Moguru - Ch. 10 - An arrow shot from beyond the darkness

    @frungy All I have left to say, is that you're making a whole lot of assumptions here. To satisfy your criteria, I never mentioned murdering all of the other adventurers, just the prince. Why do you keep thinking he has to kill everyone? He already killed the wizard, isn't that bad enough? I...
  19. Solipsist

    Ihoujin, Dungeon ni Moguru - Ch. 10 - An arrow shot from beyond the darkness

    @frungy So...Why is that a problem? The guildmaster himself said that he has no problem with the MC offing the prince. And regarding the witnesses, I don't see how much of a problem that is, considering that nobody will believe them. A newbie killing off THE prince? At the 10th floor...