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  1. KingRagnarok

    I'm an OTAKU but I want to fall in love with a gal - Ch. 20 - Affection Level: ---%

    0 progress and the MC is a whiny gamer... boy, oh boy this is looking grim...
  2. KingRagnarok

    Kaiju No. 8 - Vol. 1 Ch. 3

    Guys relax the tits, is just a bitchy tsundere.
  3. KingRagnarok

    Bijin Onna Joushi Takizawa-san - Vol. 5 Ch. 97

    The "More than friends, less than lovers" Is fucking stupid, luckily our man doesn't give up.
  4. KingRagnarok

    Tonari no Furi-san ga Tonikaku Kowai - Vol. 3 Ch. 18

    Nekota, the unsung hero.
  5. KingRagnarok

    Kaiju No. 8 - Vol. 1 Ch. 2

    I really like that Kafka is still a goofball even in his Kaiju form.
  6. KingRagnarok

    Furyou Taimashi Reina - Vol. 2 Ch. 19 - Exorcism #19 - A Lunch Box

    Yeah I don't know about this one, I get the joke and what it's trying to do, but Reina comes off as a bitch... which is the idea, but even the ''wholesome'' get well, message come of as a bit too harsh.
  7. KingRagnarok


    @erryky He couldn't kill Muzan and his big brother turned into a demon, so because they were stupid.
  8. KingRagnarok

    BEASTARS - Vol. 21 Ch. 182 - Who Did You See During The Sunset On The Road To School That Day?

    @Ahab19 They are literally working for free so you can read the chapter. So what if you just stuck your fingers up your ass instead of being a jerk?
  9. KingRagnarok


    ... Ok I kind like the Falcon now, but Rihito got this.
  10. KingRagnarok

    My Roommate Isn't From This World - Ch. 25

    @cgr @LavSingh @AnonMan88 Then buy the car and park it close by!
  11. KingRagnarok

    My Roommate Isn't From This World - Ch. 25

    Another girl added, shame that isn't the big boobed one.
  12. KingRagnarok

    Nega-kun and Posi-chan - Vol. 2 Ch. 18 - Summer Break

    For some reason, page 7 doesn't work for me, also, best girl right there at the end.
  13. KingRagnarok


    You guys keep saying that Yamato is Oden but didn't hte guy like... fucking melted in front of everyone????
  14. KingRagnarok


    The match of the idiots.
  15. KingRagnarok

    Conspiracy of a Reptile Girl - Ch. 1

    This is weird as fuck... followed.
  16. KingRagnarok


    Look at Falcon's feet at page 14, those toenails look super sharp. He is going to do the same that Rihito but with much more range.
  17. KingRagnarok

    One Punch Man (Webcomic/Original) - Ch. 128

    I hope that Aggregation has more going on that "being a lot of bugs" because that was Mosquito girl's thing. Also are we sure that this Suiryu is the same one from the manga. Because in the manga he seems way more humble and respectful to heroes and others but here he still sounds like douchey...
  18. KingRagnarok


    Gaolang probably touched the ground first just because of the instinct of using your forearm to break the fall. I have to say, I'm not mad with Medel for using the ring out but I can't help to think that he is contradicting himself. He was all "Oh, I want a challenge and prove I'm the best"...