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  1. KingRagnarok


    @thegentleman you are trying way too hard budy.
  2. KingRagnarok

    BEASTARS - Vol. 18 Ch. 160 - The Uncertainty of a Loyal Son

    When Legosi talks to the spirit of a Moth, talks to his death mother and powers up in an instant after eating meat: Yeah, this is all sensible and logical. Weird imagination thing about proyecting yourself as another thing: OMG THIS IS SO DUMB HUUUUUUUUUUH Sometimes idiots truly gather around.
  3. KingRagnarok

    Hitomi-chan Is Shy With Strangers - Vol. 3 Ch. 31

    @KazumaLee94 For me is less of a gender thing and more that is being handled in a really bad way, they aren't really talking or getting to meet each other, their whole 'relationship' is based on misunderstandings and it's pretty force. Hell, the author even make the senpai go away so they can...
  4. KingRagnarok


  5. KingRagnarok

    Record of Ragnarok - Vol. 6 Ch. 25 - Birth Of A Monster

    I say that his divine weapos are the gloves, so whatever he touches becomes able to hurt the Gods.
  6. KingRagnarok

    Shikimori's Not Just a Cutie - Vol. 5 Ch. 48

    Those basketball girls...yes!
  7. KingRagnarok

    Modern MoGal if - Oni's Love Rule - Vol. 1 Ch. 2.5 - Notice from Author on DeviantArt

    Sure, the fact that she is clingy as fuck and has a habit of cursing others isn't a problem at all...
  8. KingRagnarok


    Well, now i have an excuse to ship Captain Mizuki and Gearsper
  9. KingRagnarok

    Senpai ga Uzai Kouhai no Hanashi - Vol. 5 Ch. 84

    @TheBoll i got you fam
  10. KingRagnarok


    ''Finger break easily'' *Laughs in Beard*
  11. KingRagnarok


    D-did a cat just fell for Tadano? his powers are too strong!
  12. KingRagnarok

    Arakure Ojousama wa Monmon Shiteiru - Vol. 2 Ch. 9 - You know my lips don’t lie

    Those girls at the beginning are in step 1 while Main Girl has jumped to step 15 and has no idea whats going on, also THEY KNEW WHAT THEY WERE DOING WITH THAT X-RAY SCENE!
  13. KingRagnarok

    Shikimori's Not Just a Cutie - Vol. 2 Ch. 26

    Umbrella-chan is my spirit animal
  14. KingRagnarok


    PAT PAT sudenly we got +50 development
  15. KingRagnarok


    Well now i have to also ship that dog dude and the monkey chick, they are just forcing me
  16. KingRagnarok

    Record of Ragnarok - Vol. 5 Ch. 19.1 - The Swallow Gazes Into The Abyss

    @egi321 ah you honor me, but really people you are seeing this from the wrong angle, is not about who nation wins. This is a battle of the human spirit against the gods who don't care for us.
  17. KingRagnarok

    Record of Ragnarok - Vol. 5 Ch. 19.1 - The Swallow Gazes Into The Abyss

    80% of the coments: Uuuugghh of course Japan wins uuuuugh *keep reading their mangas with their anime avatars* Oh the irony~
  18. KingRagnarok

    Record of Ragnarok - Vol. 5 Ch. 19.1 - The Swallow Gazes Into The Abyss

    There is one thing that im disapointed... Afrodita didnt get smacked by her own tits in this fight! Also im assuming that the next one will be for the humans too.