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  1. DeadlyShadow0

    Sousou no Frieren - Vol. 13 Ch. 125 - Family

    I guess we will see more warriors when the south hero plot thickens, most probably when they get near the border of the war with demons vs the northern corps (the one that wanted to draft Stark into the battle)
  2. DeadlyShadow0

    Sousou no Frieren - Vol. 13 Ch. 125 - Family

    D Dude calm the fuck down... This is not a revenge story, Frieren was never the type to hold deep grudges against people attacking her (there were at least 3 denken, the one on the exam that attacked her with stark and now this one... the ones that we know) & for how she said about the guys who...
  3. DeadlyShadow0

    Sousou no Frieren - Vol. 13 Ch. 125 - Family

    Hopefully we get to see the same for Stark and Fern, getting married and having a family
  4. DeadlyShadow0

    Sousou no Frieren - Vol. 13 Ch. 125 - Family

    It feels like we are getting closer to the end of the Journey, but i guess we still have to see some moments like the south hero plan and the north company (the one that wanted Stark to help them in the war), also the demon that was hidding from everybody, hopefully we get to see the "talk to...
  5. DeadlyShadow0

    Heterogenia Linguistico: An Introduction to Interspecies Linguistics - Vol. 6 Ch. 49 - Where Is A Doctor

    Goatman is such an ass any other human would had started fighting him
  6. DeadlyShadow0

    Juujika no Rokunin - Ch. 156 - Detective's Intuition

    Yeah... But the thing was when the detective uncovered him he was too far gone in his bloodthirsty revenge with judo guy after he killed the girl, he was blaming himself after that and went full beast sadly he was there at the wrong time... If he had went to look for him before or after that...
  7. DeadlyShadow0

    Juujika no Rokunin - Ch. 156 - Detective's Intuition

    The girl if i'm not wrong is the same girl the mc hit when fighting with his gramps (the first guy was the one he ripped his face off and then he hit her) on the school the other is the muscle guy and he was taken after the island was destroyed by that same girl
  8. DeadlyShadow0

    Renai Harem Game Shuuryou no Oshirase ga Kuru Koro ni - Vol. 4 Ch. 14 - Mockery of the Demon

    thanks for the translation i wish we could get the 3 final chapters to finally understand what happens next
  9. DeadlyShadow0

    Murenase! Shiiton Gakuen HHH - Ch. 9 - Chapter 9

    i really thought that it would take some time but ended very fast well i enjoyed learning some animals facts and thanks for the translations
  10. DeadlyShadow0

    Chounin A wa Akuyaku Reijou wo Doushitemo Sukuitai ~Dobu to Sora to Kouri no Hime-kun~ - Vol. 5 Ch. 25 - Fast Laps

    Don't worry that's what motivates me to read the works, I don't get why people became such crybabies with spoilers... It's like enjoying the work and seeing with your own eyes how the scene unfolds... that's how I enjoy things Thanks for the heads up man, with this... now I can really enjoy how...
  11. DeadlyShadow0

    Chounin A wa Akuyaku Reijou wo Doushitemo Sukuitai ~Dobu to Sora to Kouri no Hime-kun~ - Vol. 5 Ch. 25 - Fast Laps

    But it's kind of unfair... Getting all the trouble to get nothing it's really bad the tresures in other works are replentished by the mana that the dungeon takes... So in here for only 1 prize and that's it... Seems pretty bad Also someone that could spoil me about the novel just keep in mind...
  12. DeadlyShadow0

    Chounin A wa Akuyaku Reijou wo Doushitemo Sukuitai - Vol. 5 Ch. 24 - Villager A gets summoned

    Thanks you guys for translating this... Not gonna lie i was losing hope of someone translating this... But i'm not sure how manch chapter we have till we get to the raws * ***Just checked man we only have 1 more i had hopes for more chapters... Well hooe we get more soon
  13. DeadlyShadow0

    Dungeon no Osananajimi - Vol. 4 Ch. 31 - Does Childhood Friends Count as a Fetish?

    Man i read it all so fast... I need more updates this is so wholesome i need my daily dosis
  14. DeadlyShadow0

    NTREVENGE - Vol. 3 Ch. 18

    Actually funny thing that you mention The more you know... Another disturbing fact of Japan Some of the cases of the criminals that they got a lot of them are beaten and forced to confess for a crime that they didn't commit that's how they keep the 99% rate of convicted criminals (again just...
  15. DeadlyShadow0

    NTREVENGE - Vol. 3 Ch. 18

    Thanks for the heads up my man 👌🏻 🤔 But where do you read the raws, just curious...
  16. DeadlyShadow0

    NTREVENGE - Vol. 3 Ch. 18

    Because in Japan their image is one of the most important thing there, what would others say if I don't do this or if i don't achieve something... the pure pressure of society is maddening So yeah... most of the time it won't be very hard to break their minds, also this is a true fact in...
  17. DeadlyShadow0

    Sousou no Frieren - Vol. 13 Ch. 123 - Evidence of Efforts

    Well... Now that Fern watched Stark she saw how much he has the mentality of Himmel and the strength of his master, he is loved by the people and this will no doubt make other girls to also fall for him. It would be funny that in a chapter a girl tries to confess his love to Stark (i don't know...
  18. DeadlyShadow0

    Daredemo Dakeru Kimi ga Suki - Vol. 3 Ch. 27 - Let's Have Sex

    Man The MC just became the guy in the bike screaming... SEGSSSS
  19. DeadlyShadow0

    Like Mother, Like Daughter - Ch. 31

    Thanks as always for the chapter