And beyond what others have said, we are hurling ourselves towards extinction and the only thing the "big stick" is doing for us is making sure we have no escape from it while we keep killing each other. There is no solution to human conflict.
@Rin2k Damn, can't say i like this trend, i feel like a lot of manga already have problems with pacing, so snapping the chapters like this just makes it worse. But oh well, thank you both for answering.
I guess this is as good place as any place to ask, so i have noticed a trend of 10.1 and 10.2 really small chapters being translated, are the chapters this short or is it the translators doing it?
@l0quid I think putting a teacher in jail for abusing(idc if any1 disagree about this) a student like the MC is doing is absolutely a good moral for the story.
Yeh, my boy Dowun really is trying to dig his own grave. It's ironic also that Baek Han probably would be one of his strongest allies if he tried to actually gain his support instead of constantly antagonizing him as some sort of power play.
Man, came to this comment section to see comments of the cameo but instead i find people thinking rape is somehow comparable to cheating. The internet was a mistake.
@cinic it is pretty obvious why he chose her. He needed someone that was easy to control but still has something to give for him, that is exactly what Lyon was. That was something that another princess could never give him.
Why would Lyon ever need to show gratitude.
Dowun not only made sure that there is no reason to ever feel grateful by being an ass, he also needs her just as much as she need him.