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  1. yanbang

    Request for group takeover 2.0

    My Group: (ID: 17999) My Profile: (ID: 160822)
  2. yanbang

    Dien Bien Phu - Vol. 6 Ch. 36 - The Future is Decided

    The Princesse is literally 12 🚓
  3. yanbang

    The Witch at the End of the World - Vol. 1 Ch. 2 - Waking From a Dream

    @Nitouryu Thanks, that's good advice I hadn't heard before. Unfortunately these are digital, and all three volumes have the same issue. Downscaling doesn't minimize the effect either, so we're just stuck with this.
  4. yanbang

    Pet - Vol. 1 Ch. 7 - Carrier Pigeon

    @Ptan Looks like something weird happened on MD's side. It's loading fine for me on all browsers I've tried just now. Try doing a hard refresh (ctrl + shift + R) to clear out what's currently in your cache.
  5. yanbang

    Ringwanderung - Oneshot

    Wonderfully dark. Moriizumi's wide angle panels of scenery add so much to the oppressively desolate mood. The title is also delightfully fitting. The word ringwanderung describes how hikers meander in circles after becoming disoriented in forests and mountains, and works on several levels here...
  6. yanbang

    7 Seeds

    @exxp A lot longer. Volume 35 consists of only chapters 177 and 178 (running at about 80 and 105 pages, respectively).
  7. yanbang

    7 Seeds

    @Lisahey Hi! Glad to see you around. Yes, we're also planning on completing Gaiden. Though I'll probably upload it under its own title, unlike the Russian release that's already on here, since it's technically its own entity. I'll leave that info in the comments here and on Twitter when the...
  8. yanbang

    7 Seeds

    @Predatornoa 178 chapters.
  9. yanbang

    7 Seeds - Vol. 32 Ch. 166 - Sky Chapter 3 [Go]

    Here's the hashtag link for the art exhibit mentioned in Tamu Tamu Time. It's worth a look if you enjoy the style that's typical to shoujo/josei manga.
  10. yanbang

    7 Seeds - Vol. 31 Ch. 160 - Mountains Chapter 25 [Judgment]

    @Corb Aaah thanks for catching that. His name is Akio, but it was mistakenly written as Akira in chapter 157. Time to make some changes.
  11. yanbang

    7 Seeds - Vol. 30 Ch. 155 - Mountains Chapter 20 [Observation]

    @Predatornoa Yes I will! A member of Rain Over Paradise will also be joining me onward from chapter 157. I can't tell how our release schedule is going to be yet, but please expect more to come. Chapter 156 is prepped for a release next week though!
  12. yanbang

    7 Seeds - Vol. 30 Ch. 155 - Mountains Chapter 20 [Observation]

    @exxp Yes, it's that translation, except now it's properly set on the manga pages. Hopefully there isn't too much trouble for using it... hah