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  1. Solipsist

    Nimotsu Mochi no Noukin Musou - Vol. 4 Ch. 18 - Fraudulent S Rank

    You'd be bette off reading wuxia, then
  2. Solipsist

    Genkaigoe no Skill wa, Tenseisha ni Shika Atsukaenai - Over Limit Skill Holder - Ch. 31

    Kinda feels like a chapter went missing, weird pacing. And yeah, the (human) king thing...Pretty inexcusable, some really weird arse writing there.
  3. Solipsist

    Ore, Yuusha janai desu kara. - VR Sekai no Chouten ni Kunrin Seshi Otoko. Tenseishi, Level 1 no Mushoku kara Restart suru

    Chapter 1 ia good, for all intents and purposes. But, this is an adaptation. This is likely a promotional manga, and will die after 10-ish chapters.
  4. Solipsist

    Nimotsu Mochi no Noukin Musou - Vol. 4 Ch. 18 - Fraudulent S Rank

    Honestly, this story didn't need the whole "My previous party are evil and they suffer without me puhuhu" bullshit. Leave the revenge wanks to the Chinese, just focus on how hard working and dedicated the MC is to keep going forward. That's the real focus of these stories.
  5. Solipsist

    Munou no Akudou Ouji wa Ikinokoritai ~Ren'ai RPG no Akuyaku Mob ni Tensei Shita kedo, Gensaku Mushi shite Saikyou o Mezasu~ - Ch. 3

    Do you...? A character with low def is usually designed to be squeeshy, like mage, archer, rogue, etc. If they are not balanced for def, they usually are meant to dodge attacks, or just not expect to take any directly (skills to prevent dmg). Putting on a shield on such a character is a huge...
  6. Solipsist

    Nimotsu Mochi no Nousuji Musou

    More than anything, this mango shows that if you can write solid leading characters, then it doesn't matter how tired your tropes are. I really enjoy how confident and goal-orientated the MC is, I can't stand MCs who 90% of the time rub their neck, and for the rest 10% suddenly shift into...
  7. Solipsist

    Munou no Akudou Ouji wa Ikinokoritai ~Ren'ai RPG no Akuyaku Mob ni Tensei Shita kedo, Gensaku Mushi shite Saikyou o Mezasu~ - Ch. 3

    The joke is that it doesn't make sense in any way you look at it. Characters with low def do not take up tank positions. You'd normally want to boost the stats thst are already really good (agility, attack, magic) -- also, a shield and magic-attacks don't have anything in common. That bit is...
  8. Solipsist

    Yoku Wakaranai Keredo Isekai ni Tensei Shiteita You Desu - Ch. 106

    What a waste of a chapter. We already know everything that happened here, other than the yuri. If I wanted to read that shit I'd go fap to a doujin, ffs.
  9. Solipsist

    Munou no Akudou Ouji wa Ikinokoritai ~Ren'ai RPG no Akuyaku Mob ni Tensei Shita kedo, Gensaku Mushi shite Saikyou o Mezasu~ - Ch. 3

    "A shield,..,a weapon used by characters with low defense, and used for magic attacks." Uhh, what? :u
  10. Solipsist

    The Archmage's Restaurant - Ch. 70

    Kinda wanted to see what kind of spell the MC would conjure to bust open the sanctuary, I had something more gurren-lagann in mind. Oh well :u
  11. Solipsist

    The Archmage's Restaurant - Ch. 68

    Oh, wow, they're really going for 90s romance comedy cliches, here? Stopping them last moment at the airport? :u I liked the history but c'mon man, adults don't behave like this shit. Not every decision is impulsive and reactionary. The MC already made his choice to pursue her, and then backed...
  12. Solipsist

    The Archmage's Restaurant - Ch. 63

    Gotta say, I dislike this type of drama. For a long while it felt like the author tried to push w/e to keep the chapters engaging, but melodrama ain't my cup of tea. I avoid that shit in my personal life like the plague. Not just the elf pursuing a man who's unapproachable, also the dragon's...
  13. Solipsist

    The Archmage's Restaurant - Ch. 62

    "Thank you all for keeping my restaurant open for me while I was away!! To reward you, let's leave the restaurant, closed with nobody to attend to it!" author plz just let the mc be a chef stop dragging him off
  14. Solipsist

    The Lady Knight and the Beast-Eared Child - Vol. 4 Ch. 43 - The Starting Point

    A pretty big leap from "this isn't a regular owl?" to: "It is a godbeast, divine incarnate".
  15. Solipsist

    Isekai ni Otosareta… Jouka wa Kihon! - Ch. 27.1

    There's still a part of me that's upset, that my response to seeing an update from this series being "oh hell yeah!" It's such a basic arse story, one of many, but it keeps doing it right consistently. Incoming beast-god or w/e arc :v
  16. Solipsist

    Doumo, Yuusha no Chichi desu. ~Kono Tabi wa Gusoku ga Gomeiwaku o Kakete, Moushiwake Arimasen.~ - Vol. 3 Ch. 13

    Yeah, the banter was really forced. It just wasted the chapter. It would've been preferable if they had over the top interactions with the local characters (the hotel staff...They didn't even make use of the fact they're in a 5+++ star hotel...), and have them react to their absurd training.
  17. Solipsist

    Joban de Shinu Saikyou no Sub Chara ni Tensei Shita no de, Game Chishiki de Musou Suru

    It truly is quite remarkable, how the entire story is essentially setting up a problem, and then info dumping asspulled gameplay mechanics, lore, items, etc, to resolve the problem. Nothing much about the characters, living in the world, or any other personal connection. This is a "What if.."...
  18. Solipsist

    Majutsu wo Kiwamete Tabi ni Deta Tensei Elf, Moteamashita Jumyou de Ikeru Densetsu to naru - Ch. 15

    "You idiot, it's all your fault! You were supposed to die!" I don't think I've ever seen such a blatant admit of villainy in these type of comics before. That's pretty wild, but what's even more crazy, is that the "Hero" didn't immediately snap back with: "What the fuck do you mean it's my fault...
  19. Solipsist


    This has the breath of really old anime, in that -- it has a really strong pilot episode, the premise seems cool and the world building feels genuine and well thought-of -- and then, never-ending school arc that episodically centers on a different character here and there, i.e: FILLERS. This...