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  1. Theobroma

    Waltzing at Sanzu River

    Damn, i never thought that i would cry because of this...
  2. Theobroma

    Shounen, Chotto Sabotteko? - Vol. 4 Ch. 33 - Let's Warm Up?

    Squiggle finnaly updated it!
  3. Theobroma

    Love is Still Too Early for Himeno-chan - Vol. 4 Ch. 32

    On page 7, trauma in japanese is torauma which can also be translated to tiger(tora) and horse(uma)
  4. Theobroma

    Musume no Tomodachi - Vol. 4 Ch. 31 - Runaway Daughter

    Damn i feel sad for the father.. i mean at first he just want his family to be back to how it was.. but then this??
  5. Theobroma

    Do you know the name of the manga?

    There is a manga about app which lets you meet all kinds of girls like for an instance Tidy and Naughty girls, Dog-,Cat-,Bunny-, and Penguin girls, and somehow the so called 'Asparagus and Bacon' girls.. The thing is, i can't remember the name of it.. might as well be a doujin tho.
  6. Theobroma

    Lets make a story!

    The lesser demon trap make a peace sign and say.. thou shalt not pass if thou not gey
  7. Theobroma

    Another bot lol

    @DANDAN_THE_DANDAN We should start a manga called 'Spambot Ai" where the protagonist got his first time taken by a spambot and then there is a clash between the spambot with his childhood friend (that apparently actually likes him since they are still a kid). It turns out that the girl on...
  8. Theobroma

    Romance story

    Idk, maybe if someone have any kind of a romance story irl thats sounds nice and wants to share it...
  9. Theobroma

    Lets make a story!

    She pulls the loli's hair and said... "It looks like i have to punish you.." with a smirk from her face.
  10. Theobroma

    If you are freely to choose a superpower, what kind of superpower will you choose?

    Too bad that everytime you use our power, your amount of 'storage' got reduced by half.. My power will be to be able to fly where ever i want
  11. Theobroma

    Anyone recognise the name of this manga?

    Thanks yusarin! Yep, thats the manga i was looking for.. my friend ask me for a recomendation like koi to uso, so i figured that this is great lol
  12. Theobroma

    If you are freely to choose a superpower, what kind of superpower will you choose?

    unfortunately, everytime you make alexa play despacito.. you remember despacito bits by bits until the point of you singing it loudly in public I have the power to turn every woman into a hentai heroine..
  13. Theobroma

    If you are freely to choose a superpower, what kind of superpower will you choose?

    your own superpower often misunderstood what you wish for.. one time, you want to go back in time but ended up you have to do everything backwards, including speaking. You had a trauma with that, because you got a hard time undo-ing that wish... be careful what you wish for ;) My power will...
  14. Theobroma

    Make sentences game

  15. Theobroma

    Anyone recognise the name of this manga?

    Its already been a long time since i read it, so it may be a bit vague... Basically, there is a government project that deals with some kind of arranged marriage with some kind of 'perfect child' percentage consideration.. (basically, the chance of those couple make a good child, if they ever...
  16. Theobroma

    US MangaDex Meetup: Aye or Nay?

    I really hope that we can make a meetup in europe or asia tho. Anything but america.
  17. Theobroma

    Lets make a story!

    All of the sudden, a sound of sirene can be heard from a far "This.. might not even legal at all" he said, while fondling her perhaps not so legal breast, while doing weird things to her.
  18. Theobroma

    If you are freely to choose a superpower, what kind of superpower will you choose?

    it turns out that if you manipulate the voice around you, you will be deaf at a given period My power would be ZAAAA WARUDO!!
  19. Theobroma

    If you are freely to choose a superpower, what kind of superpower will you choose?

    everything you teleport became a s** toy lol. I already created too many powers, so my power will be to prevent any NTR happening in range of 1 km of me..
  20. Theobroma

    If you are freely to choose a superpower, what kind of superpower will you choose?

    but everytimes you transform, the fbi will quickly showed up in range of 1 km behind you My power will be turning into a harem protagonist