If you are freely to choose a superpower, what kind of superpower will you choose?

Dex-chan lover
Feb 17, 2018
You can only control what your own brain does.

When I sleep I absorb and remember all information audibly communicated to me. Basically so I can listen whilst sleeping
Dex-chan lover
Jul 4, 2018
Wait isn't that what everybody can normally do?

You will remember the sounds of your parents orgasming right next to you because they thought you're asleep and can get kinky.

I have a chameleon tongue.
Dex-chan lover
May 24, 2018
but you need 20 lozenges per mimic you do

i can time travel
Double-page supporter
Oct 9, 2018
but you can only use your power after eating a whole durian fruit in under 5 minutes

sound manipulation
Mar 6, 2019
it turns out that if you manipulate the voice around you, you will be deaf at a given period

My power would be ZAAAA WARUDO!!
Group Leader
Jan 27, 2019
Pause time. I've always thought my life would be monumentally better if I only had more time to complete tasks. Probably a wish stemming from my lifelong struggle with chronic ADD. Since I lose focus so easily, I've always felt as though I was scrambling to keep up with "normal people". What are simple fast tasks to everyone else, take twice as long for me and therefore I cannot seem to get even all my daily tasks done. And then unfortunately sleep seems to be the area of time to take the hit for compensation. Been running off 5-6 hours of sleep (at best) a night for years now. I'm surprised my health hasn't crashed yet.

Even if I could only pause time while sleeping (and thus essentially eliminate that need) I can only imagine how much more productive I could be in life. Youd be able to utilize a full 24 hours, instead of 16-18 before you're forced to crash.

I'd use the power to learn most likely. There's a lot of things, skills. jobs, etc I want to know more about but dont have time for everytning. Pause time, spend a month straight learning another language, unpause and utilize what I;ve learned in society and cultural interaction. Or like, learn as much as you can on something by yourself using your now free frozen time, and then go un freeze for field working and stiff

I'd get my ass back in shape, freezing the world so I can flounder around figuring out what works for me while feeling safe and nonjudgemental

Yeah ok at this point I want it to be known that I;ve been waiting on the ambian to fall in and even I can recognize that even though there is a point I;m ttrying to make, my wild ramdomings does not projec the poiny. sO to conclude: pausing time gibed more time to eduacatipn and bettement oif yourselves. If we could all manage a life where we could add more hours tot the day
Dec 1, 2018
Congratulations. You just learned time management.
@gomichandesu I've been there, got out of it and then became like that again. And I sleep for 3-4 hours most of the time. Exercise, eating properly and enough sleep helped me about 5 years ago. Dunno what turned me back. 😀

I can recognize traps even from a long distance. 😈
Dex-chan lover
Jul 4, 2018
This went really real for a sec. As someone who can't even manage his own time, I don't think I deserve the right to give you advice. So the only thing I can say is that... good luck @gomichandesu.

Also, I went looking for the sauce of your pfp. Found it, amazing read. Thx for the rec.

How? You may ask? If you suddenly get incredibly turned on when you look at someone, you know that he's not really a she.

I can cry money so that I'll be rich.
Group Leader
Jan 27, 2019
New day new me lol, rereading that last bit got rough lmao, that's when the meds really kicked haha.
(also I'm new to the forums so idk all the formatting yet, my apologies.)

@aftermidnightmoon - It's been particularly bad for me in the past couple years. 90% of it I'm certain is anxiety related. I just finished my bachelors on top of my whole family moving to the other side of the country, so the past 1.5 years have been very chaotic. But I'm settled down now, I've been moved for over a year, out of school for half a year, figured my shit should be together by now buuuuuut eh. Still can't sleep when I decide to. Probably gonna go do a sleep study at some point here.
.... Also, are you saying I'm a trap? hahah. Wouldn't be first time I've been accused of unfortunately lmao.

@DANDAN_THE_DANDAN - Nah brah its good. Frankly, this /IS/ me at my best. I've been treated and am being treated for ADD, so while even though the treatment isn't perfect, I'm at very least functional.
Like I'll walk you through one of my worst days ever, when I ran out of meds and was waiting on the new script.
>Wake up, is hungry "I'm going to the kitchen to make breakfast"
>Enter kitchen, see fridge notice board "Oh, my roommate paid the bill. I need to pay her my share of it, I should do that"
>Write check, go back to room. 5 minutes pass
>"Oh yeah, I was getting breakfast"
>Go back to kitchen, see dishes in the sink "Oh I should wash those."
>Wash dishes, go back to room
>"OH YEAH. I was getting FOOD"
>go back to kitchen, see cat food bowl is empty. "I need to feed the cat"
>Feeds cat, goes back to room

Annnd, so on and so forth. It took like 6 trips and over an HOUR to remember I was trying to FEED MYSELF. Unmedicated, it takes only the smallest distraction for me to completely forget what my original task at hand was. You ever walk into a room and forget why you did it, that was a daily occurrence for me. Medicated, I'm much better. I still lose focus somewhat frequently, but it doesn't take as long for me to snap myself back into focus. So I've always felt that if I had the power to freeze time, I could at least then afford to take an hour trying to remember I need to eat while getting distracted by small chores that have lower priority lol.
In school, test taking was always the worst. It wasn't that I didn't know the content, it was that I had to read the questions 3 times over because I would lose focus mid sentence and not even comprehend what was being asked. By the time I finished question 1, the rest of the class was on question 5. And when you only have 45 minutes to take a test with 50 questions, I often found I was leaving the test half blank (because schools no longer have to recognize ADD as a learning disability to accommodate for.)
But that's a topic I could rant about for 80 pages if left uncheck.

No prob lol. It was an interesting little one shot, and I collect manga caps out of context so when I saw this cute monster face girl I was like, it's me. It's my persona.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 4, 2018
Because you are so lucky you no longer find the joy in life as everything just gets handed to you. You will wander to the ends of the Earth till your very last breath looking for a challenge but this is just a fool's wish for your good luck forbids you from having a short, merciful life.

I can run any complicated math equation in my head and give out the correct answer in one second
Group Leader
Jan 27, 2019
I gotta say, comics and manga did at least keep me reading for fun. Think it's something about how the text is short and cut up, so it's not as easy to get distracted mid sentence, and if I do it's much easier to go back and find the place where I wandered off. Lots of people put down the comic medium as lesser literature, that it doesn't count as reading, but honestly its a great way for struggling readers to keep at it. Once upon a time I was gonna be a history teacher as my career and I had planned out a whole lesson that revolved around Kono Sekai no Katasumi ni. Thought it would have been a refreshing break from boring textbook discussion on WWII and would have provided an insight on the "enemy's perspective" since I always found it disappointing how America-centric world history classes are in America.
May 9, 2019
You mean pure math right? What about physics .Since your superpower can solve complicated questions it doesn't mean the power will avoid your brain from bursting if you use it at your full capacity resulting in you falling asleep in an eternal slumber..... In other words die,hence your power is completely wasted.

The downside probably doesn't make much sense but I gave it my best shot. I just can't seem to think of any other cons other than your brain overheating

The superpower to have any wish granted (unlimited number of wishes included) so if something bad happens or a wish went wrong you can just wish it back .
Mar 6, 2019
your own superpower often misunderstood what you wish for.. one time, you want to go back in time but ended up you have to do everything backwards, including speaking. You had a trauma with that, because you got a hard time undo-ing that wish...

be careful what you wish for ;)

My power will be able to create a post called 'if you had a superpower, what would it be? ... '
Dex-chan lover
Apr 26, 2018
Unfortunately, if you ever use that power, you'll break the Internet.

I have the power to make cats obey my every command.
May 9, 2019
They'll obey you to the point of worshipping you, your cat army will be infuriated with any human that insults you to the point of hating all of humanity except you,rampaging across the world killing and destroying humanity .This may be a good thing however you will be hated by your own kind, thus unable to bear with this pain of being hated you suffering grows more each passing day ,your power granting you eternal pain and misery.

I have the power to go to the past and change things .The events changed may effect the future however it won't be effected in a drastic way.
Apr 12, 2019
If you use this power your very existence will stop and you will never exist to anyone in the current timeline (plus you should explain what drastic means)

I have the power to control things to an atomic level like turning a rock into a gold hand and making it wave

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