just looked at the raws and noticed a page missing. no words on that page, but it was the one showing the sword shard shooting though the snake at 3 different points of it's body before crashing into and exploding the cliff behind it.
@lapizlazuli probably not unless the group gave the uploader permission. Though if they know that these releases are from champion scans, they will remove them due to the group requesting MD not to host their works here
Interesting, so I'm guessing the protection skill makes the MC OP and automatically uses the most optimum actions when he is "protecting" someone, especially since it allowed him to instantly move to strike and break an orichalcum blade
@razarulz It probably has a similar reason to the novel Dungeons Appeared in Real Life with the same premise. Its probably something along the line of using melee weapons or primitive range weapons like bows or slings to defeat the monsters somehow makes the person stronger and heals faster (or...
@Granitefish Logically that would be true, but if you were in his shoe, a human who just reincarnated as a level one demon lord, letting a level 987 dragon live with you who can probably kill you with a flick of her finger if you piss her off, your first thought would not be "Yay a source of DP"...
even if he does learn magic, its probably end up being earth/nature magic and his tool can do a bunch of thing that those magic could probably do already.
@greyhud90 I think the problem is that the Chapter 1 and 2 Extras are actually the extras of the Volume and not supposed to be read right after (or before) chapter 1 and 2 respectively. Chapter 1.1 and 1.2 extra should be read after chapter 2 or 3 at the earliest and Chapter 2 Extra have events...