Oh man, that 4 panels before the reveal, where the guy is just there was scary. Didn’t think a off framed angle could work in a manga, but it does, and does beautifully.
Thanks for the chapters!
I get this. It’s pretty enviable. I live in a third world country myself and always gotta have my guard up outside. Always just normal to have people around in gangs to be more intimidating and to not look easy. The scary ones are actually the alone weirdos because they are unpredictable. Had an...
They should also make Rihito cosplay as the cool character. Noa will go nuts, and also open new possibilities or feelings for one another. What if she’s just an aesthetic lover? Rihito can probably pull off being cool too.
Thanks for the chapters! Quick follow up to the situation is really nice!
I love how he's still like “fix that defenselessness” for her sake. Rihito is a really good friend.
Bros so unflappable, not a single blush line on his face. Just all sweat drops and I like it. He’s the ace king. I hope we get to have more points of view from him rather than just being a parent to Noa or even falling into a relationship with her out of said parenting. I just cant see it as...
Actual deaths through horror this time! Much like a conventional horror movie plot, but still somewhat grounded.
I think it might just be a curse to whoever goes into “that house/house of Kudan”. The guy did mention that the baby must’ve been born at where the two victims were found, being...
This guy is just too comically evil for me to really feel engaged for, but I understand his role as a villain in this story.
Its just. I can’t ever think of this kind of higher-up guy ever thinking this way. Let alone obsess over a employee they fired. Guys like this always jump ship. Never...