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  1. Reiba1925

    Machikado Mazoku - Vol. 5 Ch. 59 - Put Our Heads Together! The Demon’s New Battle Outfit

    I love Momo's reaction when she hears that Shamiko not even considered transform when she met with the Snake, It's the perfect combination of fear, panic, surprise, disbelief and Shock. I also love how she forgets to scold Shamiko for being so little self-conservative because she was too worried...
  2. Reiba1925

    Machikado Mazoku

    @Loona_Roses Thank you very much 😀. It's good to hear. I hope that she takes it easy to avoid a relapse.
  3. Reiba1925

    Machikado Mazoku

    @shaeli Could you post a link of the source?
  4. Reiba1925

    Machikado Mazoku - Vol. 5 Ch. 53 - Communications Revolution! Starting from Today I'm a Smart Demon!

    @BugDemon It was a pleasure to have talked with you so far. I will miss your passive-aggressive responses.
  5. Reiba1925

    Machikado Mazoku - Vol. 5 Ch. 53 - Communications Revolution! Starting from Today I'm a Smart Demon!

    @BugDemon "90% of all discussions since then were abandoned by me" edit: I just notice the since then 😅 "I already ignore most of the stuff you post." And why not ignore every thing? "I think that's the most sensitive way to deal with such a situation" Because there is no magic button that...
  6. Reiba1925

    Machikado Mazoku - Vol. 5 Ch. 53 - Communications Revolution! Starting from Today I'm a Smart Demon!

    @Lilliwyt "peoples argumenting their thesis about the characters" I gues those are habits that I bring from my student life to the internet 😅. PD: I'm studying psychology. I'm just starting, but I'm learning slowly. It's a really cool profession 😁. edit: An example is my habit of annexing...
  7. Reiba1925

    Machikado Mazoku - Vol. 5 Ch. 53 - Communications Revolution! Starting from Today I'm a Smart Demon!

    @BugDemon At the risk of initiating something that would be more like a fist fight than a civilized discussion ... "As if it wasn't obvious, I don't tend continue discussions with Reiba, because they never go anywhere. They are about as adaptable as a brick to the ocean and just as quick on the...
  8. Reiba1925

    Machikado Mazoku - Vol. 5 Ch. 53 - Communications Revolution! Starting from Today I'm a Smart Demon!

    @Lilliwyt I'm really sorry if my behavior bothers you. If you really consider our discussions so unbearable, at least on my part, you can feel free to block me to never have to deal with me again.
  9. Reiba1925

    Machikado Mazoku - Vol. 5 Ch. 53 - Communications Revolution! Starting from Today I'm a Smart Demon!

    @BugDemon "Because you never know when to accept you are plain wrong ... sigh. " That It's funny coming from you. Also, me a few minutes ago "Actualy .... that is much more reasonable. I buy it" "Shamiko just said she wanted a smartphone, but not why." But she said what she want. That was my...
  10. Reiba1925

    Machikado Mazoku - Vol. 5 Ch. 53 - Communications Revolution! Starting from Today I'm a Smart Demon!

    Well, Here we go again 😅 "The only part that has ever been about "safety" in the entire chapter was the resilient phone thing she suggested at the start that would not break even in battle" And the GPS part. And you ignore that the reason why Momo looked for the most efficient phone was because...
  11. Reiba1925

    Machikado Mazoku - Vol. 5 Ch. 53 - Communications Revolution! Starting from Today I'm a Smart Demon!

    @BugDemon Oh. Now I understand. This "For me, that was the big mistake Momo made in this chapter, Put Shamiko's safety above her wishes" was what confused you. What I meant was that she always thought about Shamiko's safety first, that does not mean that she did not take into account what...
  12. Reiba1925

    Machikado Mazoku - Vol. 5 Ch. 53 - Communications Revolution! Starting from Today I'm a Smart Demon!

    @BugDemon Except that on the page that I linked, Momo ignore what Shamiko tell her even though she did it with great intensity in the previous panel. I was not talking about any previous moment, I was talking about that specific moment. pd: I also did not deny that Shamiko has partly to blame.
  13. Reiba1925

    Machikado Mazoku - Vol. 5 Ch. 53 - Communications Revolution! Starting from Today I'm a Smart Demon!

    For people who say that Momo's only mistake in this chapter was being unable to read Shamiko, I think they are forgetting something important, she ignored Shamiko's wishes even after knowing what she wanted, deciding to prioritize “what was best for her ”
  14. Reiba1925

    Machikado Mazoku - Vol. 5 Ch. 53 - Communications Revolution! Starting from Today I'm a Smart Demon! (Second right panel) I think there's a small flaw in that logic. (Last right panel) Better panel out of context. (Last left panel) Shamiko has really progressed a lot. Look at her, now she is able to do a verbal counterattack...
  15. Reiba1925

    Machikado Mazoku - Vol. 5 Ch. 52.9 - Volume 5 Introduction

    @Loona_Roses "This is my wife, we had a wedding ceremony, but she didn't sign the forms with her real name, so it's techinically not official." 🤣 That made me laugh much more than any joke of the chapter.
  16. Reiba1925

    Machikado Mazoku

    @mikmoo01 Until the chapter 26 and part of the 27.
  17. Reiba1925

    Machikado Mazoku - Vol. 5 Ch. 52.9 - Volume 5 Introduction

    My favorite part is that the context of the dream was totally different from that of the manga, and even so Momo ended up falling in love with Shamiko (It even seems that she fell to darkness). I want to think that that is Ito's way of telling to the readers that Momo and Shamiko would have...
  18. Reiba1925

    Machikado Mazoku - Vol. 4 Ch. 52.5 - Extra and Volume 4 Contents

    @thofheinz I mostly agree with what you say, but if you allow me to add something, I think that Momo's shyness and her general ignorance about intimate interactions also play an important role.
  19. Reiba1925

    Machikado Mazoku

    For those who also didn't know that this was published here
  20. Reiba1925

    The Night Before Christmazoku - Oneshot

    I hadn't realized that this had been published 😮. It was a pretty warm doujinshi 😊. I would like that the Shamiko and Momo of the canon will act in a similar way