she ignored Shamiko's wishes even after knowing what she wanted, deciding to prioritize “what was best for her ” https://mangadex.org/chapter/788455/5 For me, that was the big mistake Momo made in this chapter, Put Shamiko's safety above her wishes.
Nonsense. The page before that literally proves you wrong. https://mangadex.org/chapter/788455/4
Momo was fine with whatever Shamiko wanted, but Shamiko actively denied she wanted the phone for games. She even apologized for trying to impose her ideas on her... but Shamiko was a thickheaded liar, so Momo got the wrong idea. She is seriously asking Shamiko for her preferences at every turn-
"You only use it for emergencies, right?" (because that's what Shamiko said she wanted it for)
"I see you wanted to play games on it... in that case a smartphone really is better. Sorry for pushing my ideas onto you" (accepting that she made a mistake, but Shamiko denies it)
"So you never wanted extra goodies of your character in the first place?" (reaffirming if Shamiko is serious about that)
"You only need it for maps and chat apps right?" (because that is what Shamiko specifically asked for)
-and Shamiko keeps dodging the issue, so Momo is going for what seemed most sensible to her financial situation and is willing to take care of the complicated stuff for her. Somehow pinning all of this on Momo makes no sense. If you don't understand that the point of this chapter was to show how stubborn Shamiko can be and how oblivious Momo sometimes is, then you really need to pay more attention.