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  1. T

    Creepy Cat - Vol. 4 Ch. 386 - Cat Procession

    I like to imagine that all of these characters (Chilo, the Veterinarian, random cats) have all been completely normal and average in the beginning and are changing nature retroactively. Like a slow spreading memetic effect with the Creepy Cat as the origin point that are slowly converting the...
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    Creepy Cat - Vol. 3 Ch. 270 - Maid Clothes

    @Darthskippy I agree they need to hurry and rescue Flora, but they still have to at least appear to follow the rules and regulations and safeguard the public. Calling for backup with them quickly tied up OR leaving someone (Chilopoda? Oscar? Hime clone?) to watch over them OR throwing them into...
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    Creepy Cat - Vol. 3 Ch. 270 - Maid Clothes

    My favorite part was where the Police didn't arrest the criminals for attempted murder.
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    Creepy Cat - Vol. 3 Ch. 249 - Resolute

    Thanks, it's been a long time so I forgot that detail. Doesn't explain why creepy cat would lead Oscar there and not to the mage's, but of well.
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    Creepy Cat - Vol. 3 Ch. 249 - Resolute

    Flora's currently at the Magician's place. Why would creepy cat lead Oscar to Flora home?
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    Creepy Cat - Vol. 3 Ch. 249 - Resolute

    Flora's Mansion in what sense? Does it feature in her drawings, did she sneakily buy it, or is it actually named "Floras Mansion"? Because I'm confused.
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    Creepy Cat - Vol. 2 Ch. 154 - Creepysaurus

    The Russian translation says he isn't a sorcerer.
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    The Queen

    That you for elaborating on all this Mims. Reading your comments is like... reading a fascinating anthropological report of a very distant but exotic tribe. One comes in knowing nothing, and leaves laden with a wagon train of lore, people, places, and weird cultural intrigue. The issue of the...
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    The Queen

    It is difficult to believe that you are honest in your regrets. No matter how affected by real life drama the ending of The Queen is, it does not erase your enjoyment of the first season, which if I remember you qualified as the best manhua to come out of China. I for one fully enjoyed the first...