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  1. shaeli

    Machikado Mazoku - Ch. 89

    Yes to both questions.
  2. shaeli

    Machikado Mazoku - Ch. 78

    Damnit, Momo, your girlfriend nemesis wants to onegai muscle with you, this is no time to be sitting at home huffing your cat.
  3. shaeli

    Machikado Mazoku New chapter finally.
  4. shaeli

    Machikado Mazoku

    It's passable. Clean writing, natural sounding English. They changed/localized some things that'll really grate on you if you have familiarity with the original, though. Like Shamiko's 'losing' catchphrase. That's just blasphemy. They changed Momo's door password goroawase pun to '54889'...
  5. shaeli

    Machikado Mazoku

    I'll just leave this here for everyone drawn to this series by the "yuri" tag.
  6. shaeli

    Machikado Mazoku - Vol. 6 Ch. 77 - Resolve! An Oath for the Demon Sanctuary

    Maybe Sakura's disappearance is what snapped Suika. She did seem kind of, well, enamored with her...
  7. shaeli

    Machikado Mazoku - Vol. 6 Ch. 77 - Resolve! An Oath for the Demon Sanctuary

    They get a little competition and suddenly SA sets a speed record? So proud of you all! *applause* Then again, this chapter didn't have much to redraw and that's always the slowest part. Yeah, clearly Suika snapped not so long ago. Obviously she's still out there, still unhinged, and still...
  8. shaeli

    Machikado Mazoku - Vol. 6 Ch. 76 - Coming to Light! Peachy's Past, Part 2

    It's on her to-do list. After killing all the demons, she intended to use all the points to wish the world back to a primordial ocean—as in turn the clock back about 600 million years, eradicating all multicellular life capable of feeling pain, thereby eliminating even the possibility of suffering.
  9. shaeli

    Machikado Mazoku - Vol. 6 Ch. 76 - Coming to Light! Peachy's Past, Part 2

    @Primo_Itoko At most, Ito's set up a Chekov's Gun for the endgame that she can employ at any time. When she decides she's wrapped enough dangling plot threads and is ready to end the series, she can finally pull the trigger and have a partially recovered and vengeful Suika show up in town again...
  10. shaeli

    Machikado Mazoku

    The release date for volume 6 has been announced; February 25th next year.
  11. shaeli

    Machikado Mazoku - Vol. 6 Ch. 76 - Coming to Light! Peachy's Past, Part 2

    Momo need all of the hugs right now. All of them. Shamiko, get on this, stat.
  12. shaeli

    Machikado Mazoku Chapter 76 out a bit early. It's a bit of a ‹‹wham›› chapter.
  13. shaeli

    Machikado Mazoku - Vol. 6 Ch. 75

    It looks to be one disgruntled /a/non acting on their own and not a consensus on 4chan's part.
  14. shaeli

    Machikado Mazoku Finally a new chapter. The series just got an antagonist, and she's creepy as ‹‹bleep››.
  15. shaeli

    Machikado Mazoku

    I'd say summer 2021 at the absolute earliest, and most likely later, due to the earth being in the grasp of pestilence.
  16. shaeli

    Machikado Mazoku - Vol. 6 Ch. 73 - Girls' Mixer! The Demon's Youthful War!!

    Wouldn't expect it before summer 2021. Possibly Likely later, with the world in the grip of the pestilence.
  17. shaeli

    Machikado Mazoku

    For the kanji-impaired, have a translated version.
  18. shaeli

    Machikado Mazoku Read the group description. They're not dropping it. They're just stuck waiting, the same as us, before they have something to work with. Also, guess what?
  19. shaeli

    Machikado Mazoku

    If Sunrise Arrow bows out (not that I think they will), /a/ will pick it up again. The Dark Clan's work will be done.
  20. shaeli

    Machikado Mazoku - Vol. 6 Ch. 73 - Girls' Mixer! The Demon's Youthful War!!

    Volume 6 just might end with that confession we've all been dying for.