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  1. Lie_Eater

    Usogui - Vol. 47 Ch. 514 - An Extraordinary Person

    Just want to say thanks all for the comments, it helps build anticipation so much for the next chapter and gives me a greater appreciation for all the hijinks going on.
  2. Lie_Eater

    Batuque - Vol. 9 Ch. 88 - The End Of The Fight

    Damn, every chapter lately has been a wild ride! Mr. Bones I don't wanna get off this chugga chugga.
  3. Lie_Eater

    Usogui - Vol. 45 Ch. 494 - "D" And "C"

    @chrischewie near-death game
  4. Lie_Eater

    Usogui - Vol. 45 Ch. 484 - A Four-way Face-off

    So looks like Manabe is coming out on top here in the battle of the ref's, particularly interesting as Mitaka already seems to have pulled a fast one on Kadokura, all adds up to there being some Private Funeral teamwork at play here - which makes me wonder do they have some plan to take down...
  5. Lie_Eater

    Usogui - Vol. 43 Ch. 471 - The Puppets

    @Ghetsis apologies, you are totally correct, Anoma it is. This is a very weak theory on him and it relates back to the idea of Lalo being a 'virtual man' in the same sense as puppet Arata was. Now forewarning, I don't believe this atal but maybe just maybe Anoma is the true head of Ideal, there...
  6. Lie_Eater

    Usogui - Vol. 43 Ch. 471 - The Puppets

    @Ghetsis, thank you so much for your comment, very enlightening. Any take on Amina or too little to go by yet?
  7. Lie_Eater

    Usogui - Vol. 43 Ch. 462 - Two Things Only

    So has Baku defeated both The Power Of Friendship™️ and Lalo this chapter?
  8. Lie_Eater

    Usogui - Vol. 42 Ch. 458 - Folding From Instinct

    @idle_af Care to copy paste that 63 v 26 theory of yours? I'm always intrigued by the theories people in the comments here come up with.
  9. Lie_Eater

    Usogui - Vol. 41 Ch. 447 - The Flesh's Memory

    Surely another reason why Hal couldn't let Fukurou ruin the game is Kakerou's role for running the game i.e. they can't let someone external just up and break the game for everyone else. So even though Hal is playing in the game he probably has some responsibility as leader of Kakerou to...
  10. Lie_Eater

    Usogui - Vol. 41 Ch. 446 - The Helping Hands

    @ominous yeah got to be, pg.13 looks like confirmation of it