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  1. Ghetsis

    Junket Bank - Vol. 1 Ch. 1 - Mafutsu Shin

    Sorry for causing confusion 😭. Basically: there already exists translations of ch 1-27 floating around on the internet. but the quality of those are… very questionable. So our group’s focus is making a more accurate/legible translation of the first 27 chapters. And chapters past27 are being...
  2. Ghetsis

    Junket Bank

  3. Ghetsis

    CasinoGui - Vol. 1 Ch. 1 - Steal

    WHAt the fuck ppl are actually working on this??????????? thank you ;_;!!!!
  4. Ghetsis

    Usogui - Vol. 49 Ch. 539 - Plan A

    I already read the JPN of this chapter a while ago, but I still cried reading the translation ;_;!!! Thank you so much TD for picking up this series and giving the readers something to regularly look forward to for the past two years <3!!!! I'm feeling a lot of emotions rn, a very bittersweet...
  5. Ghetsis

    Usogui - Vol. 49 Ch. 538 - What Was Coming

    @Veshv yup, and Eba records that Hal disappeared on the 20th iirc (so the time they spent together really was short....). And yea what you said is correct! Wow, such a heartless way to rub it in Baku's face, haha.
  6. Ghetsis

    Usogui - Vol. 49 Ch. 538 - What Was Coming

    I was so excited for this chapter I felt like I was going to have a heart attack!!!!!! The one time Anoma can't predict what the other is going to say, haha. And ooh, the Kyara illusion ;_; Also love the cute photo of Marco, Hal and I think Nobuko(?) on Hal's desk! Reminds me of Yukiide's...
  7. Ghetsis

    Usogui - Vol. 49 Ch. 537 - The Vices

    Thanks for the chapter! and also thanks for using my suggestion for the name change (assuming that's where it came from...)! Seeing it made me very happy!!! ^_^!!! The scene of Floyd being unable to contain his excitement over telling Kaji the conspiracy is adorable, haha. Also the mysterious...
  8. Ghetsis

    Usogui - Vol. 49 Ch. 536 - Vice Fund

    Thanks for the chapter!!! I was really excited for this one (and the next!!!) Amazing that Vincent kept his most important data all on one smartphone. Also it's cute seeing Floyd all nervous abt having this dreams come true all of a sudden, hehe. I can't tell if this is a spoiler or not, so just...
  9. Ghetsis

    Usogui - Vol. 49 Ch. 535 - A Small Lie

    One more foreshadowing from the dream (I was told this by a Japanese friend). In the JPN version of 511, the way Eba says "you" is "chisama" (its an accented variation of "kisama"), which comes from souiCHISAMA! (he never says any form of "you" in the JPN v of this chapter btw) The Tower scene...
  10. Ghetsis

    Usogui - Vol. 49 Ch. 533 - What I Wanted To See

    Oooh, as a Floyd fan, how I wish the whole investigation wasn't done off screen ;_;. At least his few on screen interactions with Yokoi are fun. And it's good to see that Kaji seems pretty chill with Floyd now. based on Ideal's introduction (this page), I...
  11. Ghetsis

    Usogui - Vol. 49 Ch. 532 - A Part Of Myself I Still Can't See

    Noo Baku you said you wouldn't look back ;_; Well, excited for possible character development next chapter. Thanks for your hard work as always, TD!
  12. Ghetsis

    Usogui - Vol. 47 Ch. 516.5 - Volume 47 Side Story

    @Lithe Fun fact: sensei based Champ's appearance off of his own! (aka why his drawing of himself looks so much like Champ) (and if you want to look at the rest of the interview or something, just be warned at least one of the questions is a...
  13. Ghetsis

    Usogui - Vol. 48 Ch. 523 - To The Future

    Thank you for the chapter, as always!!!! Once again, the decision to put the chapter name near the end is making me emotional. This chapter really made me realize that "it's really ending, isn't it?" Oh I'm so not ready to say goodbye to this series ;____; The chain metaphor reminds me of this...
  14. Ghetsis

    Usogui - Vol. 48 Ch. 521 - To That Place

    Ok, so I was thinking about the like "narrative reason" for Hal's memory loss this time and here are my dumb thoughts. So, my original thoughts were like "didn't he already learn to control his memory loss in Air Poker? It feels like we are treading old ground/regressing on his development."...
  15. Ghetsis

    Usogui - Vol. 48 Ch. 520 - The Approaching Crisis

    Thanks for the chapters, as always! One similarity between Baku and Hal's dreams is some sort of reference to the Greenland Shark (it's on the screen on pg 7). Also in both of Hal's nightmares there is an emphasis on that bloodstain on Baku's suit (from 321). Confused on how Hal's memory...
  16. Ghetsis

    Usogui - Vol. 47 Ch. 514 - An Extraordinary Person

    Thank you for the translation, as always! Pretty depressing that even with Eko's sacrifice, Tatsuki was still killed by Hal (when he reverted the ranking battle rules).... It makes me wonder though if Eko foresaw him dying earlier than that though. Like in the case that Hal succeeded in the...
  17. Ghetsis

    Batuque - Vol. 9 Ch. 89 - Beast

    @SatouPendragonlvl313 Oooh, that's a good guess! Did not consider that! Also I just remembered that her saying she works "the night shift" in 61 is a hint to her hostess job. I want to know all about how OU works now... Like something my friend brought up to me, is that Don's sweater has the...
  18. Ghetsis

    Batuque - Vol. 9 Ch. 89 - Beast

    @SatouPendragonlvl313 Ooh, I didn't consider that possibility. Interesting! that makes this page make a lot more sense! (which might also be the one you were referring to) Also now I think what Kraken says here, about...
  19. Ghetsis

    Usogui - Vol. 47 Ch. 510 - Domination

    @caitsith You are in luck!
  20. Ghetsis

    Batuque - Vol. 9 Ch. 89 - Beast

    @a2j04vm0 oh thank you for the info!!!! I only saw the page where the first screenshot is from and since the person says they found it from OP i assumed it originated from there...................... That’s a hilarious insult though. I’m sad there’s like no direct English translation for it, haha.