Yeah, maybe she could teleport him into the ground or some other object to at least immobilize him. Or, if it's possible to target individual body parts, maybe even just teleport his head away from his body.
On page 16, "But I can't just back down like this!" is mistakenly repeated from the previous panel. The raw text there is "俺はレティシアと仲良くなってみせる...!!", which (I think) is something like "I'll become friends with Leticia...!!".
Was any part of that "element residue ignited by fire magic results in an explosion" thing ever established? I feel like it came from absolutely nowhere. Not sure I like that kind of asspull/deus ex machina.
It's actually not shown what he was doing to make him so tired and out of breath; for all we know, he was just lying on the ground and counting up to 1000.
Looks like it's already fixed now, but the issue was with a wrong word, not regional spelling. The word used to be "emphasise" (as in, adding emphasis to something), when it should have been "empathize" or "empathise" (as in, understanding someone's emotions).
Why didn't they just have the guy kneel down so that the MC could cast heal on something other than the guy's crotch?
I'm not sure if it was intended by the artist, but this was really, really funny to me:
So the MC didn't know about the tidal bore because he was in the library? I guess that means there isn't any sort of city-wide alarm to let everyone know when one's happening. That seems like a bit of an oversight, given that they know to expect one every few years.
If she's really that valuable, they probably should have been more cautious about stabbing through the door, not more reckless. What if it was Nanami that was standing there and they accidentally killed her instead of the noble?
I guess I shouldn't think about it too hard but are the people in the other world also speaking Japanese? Or is there something else at play that makes it possible for everyone to understand each other?
Also, the slaver paid enough for one month's worth of food to buy Nanami but never bothered...
If everyone thinks that Argent is potentially dangerous, why did they all wait until after the meeting to let MC know? Seems silly to let him go into the meeting so unprepared.