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  1. T

    The Politics Megathread

    Shit forgot to mention I got @BestBoy too. How goes it fellow retard?
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    The Politics Megathread

    Guess it's time to come clean, not really a blue-haired liberal, just someone that saw that @Halo was a piece of shit and wanted to shit stir. Looks like I did my job magnificently as not only him, but @Ceildric, @Richman, @ColorfulSoy, @Vipergg78, @sterven and @hazzack are also assblasted. Halo...
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    The Politics Megathread

    @ColorfulSoy Well, I thank you for sharing your countries beautiful language with me, even if the contents are a bit rude. @Richman There is such as thing as "positive racism". Similar to the concept that some Asian students internalize that "they should be doing well in school because they are...
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    The Politics Megathread

    Halo What? You took it quite well earlier. Unless you were lying? I was only trying to follow the example you yourself stated for how you wanted to be treated. In any case, I do respect that even those who are racist or ableist should have their wishes respected, I will stop "@"ing you and...
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    The Politics Megathread

    @Richman I thank you for explaining @Halo's underlying racist tendencies in such a manner I was unable to, maybe Halo will be able to address their innate racism so as to avoid this situation in the future. Just because a person-of-color is speaking Spanish in what is a (very racist) depiction...
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    The Politics Megathread

    @sterven I already addressed that Sterven. As I stated, identifying as otherkin is NOT identifying as being othergender or gender neutral. The two are separate concepts. Even if someone believes they are a cloud as you state you believe they can and should be able to, that doesn't mean that...
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    The Politics Megathread

    @hazzack I tried my best to, again, it seems, to use @Ceildric's words, I should be more careful around those with developmental delays like @Halo in the future. I just don't seem to have the ability for it. @ColorfulSoy Why do you think it's okay to be racist like that? @Vipergg78 No matter...
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    The Politics Megathread

    @hazzack Is that really how I sound? I apologize, I was only following @Ceildric's example here and trying to apply it to my own life. Maybe you were right and Ceildric wasn't being genuine, and in that case, I feel ashamed for having myself follow the thought process of someone ableist like...
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    The Politics Megathread

    @ColorfulSoy I understand completely, @Halo has a similar problem where I simply can't communicate on his developmental level as stated by @Ceildric (though even that I am starting to doubt at this point). Perhaps it's the same for you, and for that I apologize, I wish I could do more to help.
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    The Politics Megathread

    @ColorfulSoy It's a bit responding promptly after being dogpiled on, please forgive my tardiness in answering. I believe it was stated earlier in the thread, but @Halo first assumed that a child depicted in a meme was hispanic, when they were in fact from Australia, and second, that American...
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    The Politics Megathread

    @sterven "It" is incredibly offensive way to refer to people who are genderfluid or othergender. It's othering and reductive. I thought you calling me a racist was sincere, but it turns out you were just camouflaging your sexism and transphobia as well. I can't take this to heart knowing that...
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    The Politics Megathread

    @sterven I apologize sterven, while attempting to explain the question you yourself asked and showed ignorance of racism, I failed to address the "use/mention" distinction in my writing causing confusion. I have hence corrected my posts, in order to remedy this misunderstanding of addressing the...
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    The Politics Megathread

    @ColorfulSoy I've tried to be understanding of people in the thread. First I have @Ceildric telling me that @Halo is a developmentally stunted person, and believing people to be good and honest I took him at his word. Now it turns out Halo isn't and was just joking about feeling bad for being a...
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    The Politics Megathread

    @sterven If you want more examples I'd be happy to give them to you. For Arabs it's an internalized belief that "they should be Islamic", for Asians, there's an internalized belief that "just because they are Asian, they should be getting good grades easily and doing better than their peers"...
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    The Politics Megathread

    @sterven Another example would be African-Americans believing that all Mexican-Americans are lazy, a commonly held view by white supremacists. The reverse is also true, you have a lot of Mexican-Americans that support the belief that Afican-Americans are inherently violent. Just see the clashes...
  16. T

    The Politics Megathread

    @Halo Why are you linking those articles? Unless you're stating you weren't being serious about your beliefs and therefore really did believe in those racist and ableist posts you made earlier? @Richman Earlier in the thread @Halo assumes the race of a child actor who is actually Austrialian...
  17. T

    The Politics Megathread

    @sterven Of course minorities can be racist, it's called internalized racism, and it's what leads people to make preconceived notions about how they are and how they should be. An African-American who believes he "isn't smart enough to graduate college and pursue a career" is suffering from the...
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    The Politics Megathread

    @Halo See what I mean? When we don't strive to improve, people like @Sterven start posting that don't want a better community for the website. I understand that both of your are racists who like to make racists jokes, but I hope both of you can at least try to address the innate racism that your...
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    The Politics Megathread

    @Halo I wouldn't know, I can't seem to communicate on your level of development, which tends to just cause misunderstandings between my points and your understanding of them.
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    The Politics Megathread

    @Halo I'm sorry Halo, I didn't know you were differently abled, it would explain a lot of your racist and ableist biases that you may not even be aware of. I would ask you to strive to improve your sense of racism and ableism over time, to help improve the health of the community.