Thank god that isn't the case. We're currently working on 22 series (and 2 more in a subgroup). Idoltonari ends at chapter 15, unfortunately, and we'll finish that one off. AFAIK, we only have three that ended prematurely. Idoltonari, kiraboshi, and shy & poor otaku (this one).
We are the group picking it up.
ObverseGod just posted in the hopes of getting a group interested.
Whoops. Just realized I posted as ToruScans instead of Scan&Scans
Edit: Fixed.
I'm going to avoid spoiling any specifics, but I will say it is not going to be straightforward and fluffy. It is, however, quite good so far. Some of what we, as readers, "know" at this point is wrong/incomplete.
Toruscans group leader here. Not sure if you've been through this before or not, but these people come along and snipe with shit-quality scanlation just to kill motivation. They never keep it up after you drop it. They aren't interested in providing a good product; they are just trolls.
Hmmm... Either one works, imo.
E.g. you can kick someone's ass, kick them in the ass, kick them on the ass. punch them in the head, yell in their face, etc.
If I were to reword it, I would probably just have her say "slap my butt" or "slap my ass".
Absolutely not. You didn't do anything wrong.
I keep a folder of series that I want to work on when the stars align. This one worked out with no activity and staff that were interested in working on it. I don't usually publicly discuss things prior to actually releasing something. So you not...
Well, it'll be under the Scan&Scans label, not ToruScans, since that's our sub-group for NSFW series.
We still plan to release our version of chapter 5 since it's already mostly done.
I'll admit I panicked a bit when I saw your posts thinking we had gotten beaten to the punch. Well, it's all...
I just realized that the shadows in this panel make no sense.
The light coming in from the window is fine, by why is MC's shadow so high? Is the light coming in from below somehow?
It might sound weird, but I kind of hope this blows up in her face. I can understand him eventually forgiving her, but this has gone on so long that it just feels really manipulative.
Well, I think I found out what happened.
He changed publishers. It's now here
The author hasn't even updated the links in their bio or portfolio site so this was very recent.
Please note that this series appears to have met an extremely early Axe. I'm not sure why, but the publisher appears to have wiped all mention of this series from their site.
Now... just a few days ago, the author tweeted this which suggests... Toilet babies can be born to loving capable parents. Miyu-chan's mom wasn't exactly loving, or particularly capable, but she didn't completely abandon Miyu...