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  1. porkwrangler

    Song of the day?

    The Scene is (not) dead: .exe: video (with plenty of compression artifacting due to the demo having a lot of particle effects): Andromeda Software Development - Monolith The music is good but personally I'm more impressed by the programming. .exe...
  2. porkwrangler

    Song of the day?

    Been a long time since I posted anything... Wish I was more into Amon Amarth or Amoral, but never quite got into those bands, so instead I'll just post something by Amorphis: Amorphis - Amongst Stars (Feat. Anneke van Giersbergen)
  3. porkwrangler

    Say something controversial

    But did he? ;) The ruskies still haven't been able to present any evidence that one of the burnt bodies in the bunkers were actually Hitler's (they even had a story that they only burnt his body once outside of the bunkers). Source is JFK's notes after visiting the bunkers. Pretty sure every...
  4. porkwrangler

    Say something controversial

    *ahem* Hitler did nothing wrong. (Except he should've pushed the Finns harder to participate in the siege of Leningrad, since it could've changed the outcome of WWII) ;)
  5. porkwrangler

    Song of the day?

    Haven't posted in ages - pretty sure I posted something by Ambeon last time - so next up is Amberian Dawn with some neo-classical symphonic power metal. Valkyries is probably a better song from this band, but both the 2008 and 2013 versions of the song are butchered by YouTube's AAC-128...
  6. porkwrangler

    Song of the day?

    @aloysiusks Gonna have to check out Ensiferum's latest album. Hopefully it's better than the stuff they've been releasing for the last decade. I loved their self titled album, Iron and the Dragonheads EP, and liked the Victory Songs album but after that they've been really average imo. Heard a...
  7. porkwrangler

    Christmas 2020: Tripled Growth and the tale of the Temporary Ad

    Unironically delete all isekai. People would be better off without that restart-life-escapism garbage
  8. porkwrangler

    Song of the day?

    Been a while since I posted; pretty sure I got to A-L, so I'll just move on to A-M... Gonna restart with some mainstream melodic metal: Amaranthe - Danger Zone
  9. porkwrangler

    The Politics Megathread

    @Kanami-chan lmao :D
  10. porkwrangler

    The Politics Megathread

    This election is really getting into lmao territory. It's truelly amazing how a country as developed as the US still conducts its elections as if it were a 3rd world banana republic. Not saying that the rest of the 1st world nations are perfect, but they most certainly are better when compared...
  11. porkwrangler

    The Politics Megathread

    @BestBoy Thanks! Just went to bed but at least after a quick read of the primary source it looks to be above board.
  12. porkwrangler

    The Politics Megathread

    @BestBoy I was referring to the Antrim 6000 vote change specifically. Not the massive 130k+ change. Tried to even use Google to see if it had been debunked™. I've had a few beers tonight so maybe I missed it... If there's a source then I'd appreciate it. Edit: Tried to find some more info and...
  13. porkwrangler

    The Politics Megathread

    @Halo Looks like someone's being a bit euphoric. In my opinion it requires either ignorance or naïvety to think that any party wouldn't have the know-how to cheat given sufficient motivation. For one, if there was election fraud it wasn't nation wide, but limited to only battlegrounds. Election...
  14. porkwrangler

    The Politics Megathread

    @gladiatorua I guess we'll see how the court cases in PA turn out now that poll watchers have gone on record stating that they were deprived of the right to inspect the mail-in ballots. Depending on the cases in PA, Trump will either have to concede or alternatively if the election is redone in...
  15. porkwrangler

    The Politics Megathread

    The more I look into what happened the more convinced I'm becoming Biden's little "gaffe" about having the most extensive voter fraud organization wasn't a gaffe at all, rather a freudian slip. Would definitely explain how Biden's campaign did a complete 180 in the primaries after getting rekt...
  16. porkwrangler

    The Politics Megathread

    @Tamerlane All valid points. I don't think it'd have much of an impact on illegal immigration either in the long term. After all, all that's required is pretty much crossing the border and requesting asylum after which any country in the UN is mandated to hear them out. I do think though that...
  17. porkwrangler

    The Politics Megathread

    @Tamerlane I think I can -- at least broadly speaking -- agree with every point you've made :D Pretty much the only point I'd contest is The Wall, which could've been beneficial. 'Good fences make for good neighbors' seems to hold true when reading through peer-reviewed publications. E.g. many...
  18. porkwrangler

    The Politics Megathread

    Hope the election fraud can be proven by concrete evidence and not just statistically like it already has. If it isn't - the space program is utterly fucked. That's all I care about as a non-burger, even though having the 'I fucking love science'-crowd fucking themselves up the ass is pretty...
  19. porkwrangler

    The Politics Megathread

    Not a burger, so my opinion has little value, but I hope you'll re-elect Trump. Otherwise, NASA will go down the shitter again when Biden replaces Bridenstine with that Boeing-shill.
  20. porkwrangler

    Song of the day?

    Classic power metal: Allen Russell & Jørn Lande - Another Night