The Politics Megathread

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Apr 3, 2018
"You watched every ballot count all at the same time? "

@bestboy I don't need to provide you my channel link, you can look it by yourself or dig deeper to this thread how I managed to view all of votes in a single screen (mediocre, yes) by looking at politico and 270towin's vote counter (and also decisiondesk)

"What'd you see that was fishy?"

If I recall correctly, it was Michigan 200k votes in matter of minutes then how Fox called Arizona. Right after that my interest has gone like well maybe biden will win sooner or later. Then later you're gonna answer it with humar error, this that, etc. but that was midnight at time of yours so yeah not fishy at all.

"No one's saying they can't audit the votes".

This one is a bold statement, I appreciate it.

"Good, strong evidence is needed to prove electoral fraud, and we haven't been shown any yet."

Well I don't know when was it at time of yours while Michigan being counted, maybe you were asleep or not I don't know but for me that was at afternoon so it was fishy though I don't really care about the outcome cause I'm just an outsider.
Group Leader
Apr 9, 2018
I feel like the giant MSM and SocMed corporations are trying WAAAAAY too hard to defend the Dems and Biden from any kind of accusation and gaslighting the masses into not questioning a single thing. They've gone all-in, and it's working because they control all arbiters of cultural/political legitimacy. You'll hear the same agreed-upon narrative everywhere: "there was no fraud, there is no evidence of fraud, and it is good that America is uniting and returning to normal." And this is also the only information that's being broadcasted to the whole world since most countries in the world are America's bitches. Total information warfare. At this point it's no longer just American problem, but world problem.

The more they try and dEboOnk accusation, the more pathetic they look and the more obvious it all becomes. Kind of like some kind of strange streisand effect. I really hope this backfires hard.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2018
@Ivegotnolife Thanks for the links. Unsurprisingly I'm on Abrams side here. Her argument doesn't seem to be against cleaning up the voter roll itself, but with how it's done. She specifically targets the "use it or lose it" laws. Basically if you haven't voted in a recent election you can lose your registration. There's no excuse for that law. It's needlessly strict. I also looked into Crosscheck, and it just seems to be an all around shit program to use for cleaning voter rolls. A high rate of false matches and awful security. Not surprising when all they use are 1st name, last name, and date of birth.

Curiously I never found a resolution to the case. Is it still in litigation? The last update I saw was from February of this year. The judge was looking at making a summary judgement against Kemp.

@kasajizo So you weren't actually looking at the live stream of the ballot counting. Just the reported numbers that were coming in? The Michigan jump you're talking about was a data uploading error on ElectionDeskHQ. The conservative who originally tweeted about it deleted the tweet and apologized for spreading the rumor.

Here's an article from a local detroit paper:

@Kanami-chan The people getting gaslit are the trump followers getting tricked into donating to his election defense fund. Half of which goes to pay off his re-election debt.

I do enjoy seeing the Trump campaign ask for recounts, though, because their campaign has to pay for them if there's no legal reason to do so. It's hundreds of thousands of dollars to do a recount.
Group Leader
Apr 9, 2018
Miracle Vaccine right after the election!!! All hail Jesus Biden!! XDDD



Thank god I'm a super privileged upper-class citizen, so I've been enjoying the lockdown so far.
I can't imagine how poor people around the world who need jobs to survive would feel about this political virus.

Surely hopefully just a coincidence :)
Dex-chan lover
Jan 17, 2018
> proclaims himself a "super privileged upper-class citizen"
> whines about covid vaccine on a weeb forum


Group Leader
Apr 9, 2018
I have too much free time thanks to the lockdown. Gotta do something. Commenting on American news is a great pastime actvity.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 1, 2019
Been seeing some interesting stuff about the statistics, which probably will be a good indicator of how doubtful we should be about the results. I also saw a graph that I need to check about the voter turnout in Michigan being five standard deviations away, which is so incredibly unlikely that it's suspect, but I need to find a source for it.

Note: This one isn't impartial, but the math is right as far as I can tell.

Interesting is that a BBC article from 2016 about Voter Fraud in Africa seems to match mostly well to the situation in the US.
Double-page supporter
Oct 11, 2019
Stephen King like most leftists, is a worthless hypocrite. They are the type to shout, "Question Everything! Doubt! Be Skeptical!" at the top of their lungs when it comes to any institution (government body, religious organization, college / university) that seems to have a conservative inclination.

But when someone dares doubt them, their side? "Eat that shit pie and agree that it's chocolate or else!"
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2018
@ivegotnolife Anything more recent? It's over a year old at this point. And looking at the SSA website I can see they've done cleanup of the vote count. Regardless, I don't think the ballots would be counted. I think you've made a good point, though. Voter registration cleanup is going to be looked at as either attempts at voter suppression because the current systems are inaccurate and have too many false matches and the ones requesting the purge know this. Or it's going to be an attempt at cutting voter fraud. Obviously I'm in the camp that doesn't believe voter fraud is widespread enough to possibly disenfranchise tens of thousand to hundreds of thousands of voters for less than, say, a hundred voter fraud cases.


Ya the 1st link is super suspicious. An anonymous data scientist and an anonymous source? Their math may be right, but their conclusion is completely forgoing any context about the election. First, Wisconsin didn't receive new ballots after 3am. They moved those ballots from the polling station to the counting center. Votes are not reported at the polling station. The entire part with the log graphs is conjecture, as well. "What appears to be happening" isn't a strong sign of confidence and could easily be replaced with "Well, maybe" Not to mention the assumption that far away counties will be R and the vote should trend R over time. There's no rule that states such a thing. Especially in an election where one side primarily voted in person and the other side primarily voted by mail.

edit: by primarily voted I mean to say one party outweighs the other. So R mostly voted in person, and mail-in votes will mostly be D. Not sure if I'm saying that right.

The funny thing is, this data could just as easily be showing voter suppression from GOP officials at the USPS who purposefully slowed down the mail system in Democratic counties.

Anyway, onto the 2nd link.

I don't see what matches exactly? High turnout is the only one and the delays in results is specifically stated to not be fraud. We already know why we had delays in results and it was republicans blocking attempts to start the counting early. Florida counted early and everything went pretty smoothly with them.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 17, 2018
Timur's first link:
Around 3am Wisconsin time, a fresh batch of 169k new absentee ballots arrived. They were supposed to stop accepting new ballots, but eh, whatever I guess.
Claire Woodall-Vogg, executive director of the Milwaukee Election Commission, had told the press she would take a police escort to the county courthouse to report the results of more than 169,000 absentee ballots collected in the city of Milwaukee. Officials worked into the early morning hours of Wednesday to process the 169,341 absentee ballots returned to the city, with the Milwaukee county clerk saying results wouldn't be expected until early morning, The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported.

Milwaukee Election Results Expected Around 4 a.m.
Mayor Tom Barrett and Milwaukee Election Commission executive director Claire Woodall-Vogg expect a central count operation, responsible for processing over 169,000 absentee ballots, to conclude its work at approximately 4:00 a.m.

Timur? 🤔
Dex-chan lover
Sep 1, 2019

That would just be the fault of imprecise diction because that's because it's hard to make definitive statements with statistics, because they primarily effect outcomes. Saying "it appears to be" or "it seems to be" is necessary in the field because it's an imprecise albeit necessary science to determine how likely things are to occur by chance. It's not a random guess, but it's based on figures and probabilities as all stats are.

Also I think his point is because most polling is done in major cities and towns, more rural areas or isolated ones that lean republican tend to vote more conservative, hence why they have to "travel further."

As for the article, I'd argue that it hits most of the marks. But again, these are indicators, not concrete statements
-We know that the media has been reporting that this election would have unusually high voter turn outs. I still have to see the statistics for each county, but statewide, they are absurdly high for what is typical for an election, to the point where it might be suspect, being well over double the amount typical for voter turnout historically in the US
-Too many votes is tied to the previous question because in the US usually only goes to about 50-60% of the voting age population. Given we were about ~20% over that, I'd say that we're well above standard deviation at this point and suscipiously so. Could the US be more engaged now because of the political enviroment? Potentially, but that would mean we'd be as engaged now as we were during Vietnam, which I find unlikely
-A high turnout in specific areas. Yes, based on what I have seen for the sats
-Large number of invalid votes
We'll have to see for this one because I am unsure how many were thrown out or disqualified or how many should have been and weren't
-More votes than ballot papers issues

Unknown, but I think this theory has been debunked for this election

-Results don't match

I think this has been pretty much one of the main cruxes of what's being argued with the situation we're seeing, because there was such a clear disparity in both the votes for the two up until about 3-4AM where all the voting just suddenly stopped and then everything flipped despite being at 94% reporting or more. It definitely made a lot of people become more skeptical about the process and what could have happened.

-Delay in counting results

We still don't have the results. Is COVID tied to the reason? Yes, but that doesn't discredit the possibility of fraud itself, so we're back to square one.

I think this explains my rationale

And nothing circumstantial piece of evidence that makes me suspect something is afoot is that all of the Bellwether counties. It's not definitive proof, but it certainly indicates something may be off given how it is yet anomaly on the pile of anomalies.


This also tied with the fact the Democrats did not do as well in the senate and the house is also a red flag because it seems weird that if the people wanted democrats in charge, they would have voted for them en masse, yet we have a situation where both the house and the senate are slowly shifting more Republican and where the Democrats lost seats, which is strange.

Not completely proving fraud, but it does make the situation very bizarre if nothing else

That still doesn't eliminate the possibility of voter fraud, nor does it explain how the results were anomalous.

Again, the link only needs to be accurate in its data and its statistical analysis of said data. If that is correct, anything else stated in the article is secondary or even tertiary.

The fact absentee ballots favor Biden almost exclusively is suspect when compared to the other results of the nation. People often say that the reason is that Trump warned that the postal system is potentially easy in terms of committing voter fraud. The issue I have is that it's a very post hoc rationalization and it doesn't delegitmize the possibility of voter fraud, especially since I'd be willing to bet that most Americans were not aware of Trump's tweet on the subject nor the selective clips he's had, which is beared out through other studies that showed that trump's numbers in terms of postal voters were lower, but not by an overwhelming degree, of the votes via mail for Biden.

The processing of these votes may not have been inaccurate in themselves but if other efforts to commit electoral fraud.

(Also I never said any of these links were faultless, but that they raised concerns that needed to be addressed.)
Dex-chan lover
Jan 17, 2018
nor does it explain how the results were anomalous.
Timur... 😖

City Of Milwaukee:
2016: Donald: 18.43%, Hillary: 76.55%
2020: Donald: 19.60%, Joseph: 78.83%

especially since I'd be willing to bet that most Americans were not aware of Trump's tweet on the subject nor the selective clips he's had
Don't underestimate religion.

MangaDex Drinking Game: take a shot whenever Timur names a fallacy. Cheers!
Jun 13, 2018
This election is really getting into lmao territory. It's truelly amazing how a country as developed as the US still conducts its elections as if it were a 3rd world banana republic. Not saying that the rest of the 1st world nations are perfect, but they most certainly are better when compared to the US. I bought into the exaplanation the officials in Antrim gave for why the votes got scrambled, but I'm starting to doubt whether I should've, now that even more fuck-ups have come out.
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