The Politics Megathread

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Dex-chan lover
Jan 11, 2020
There's already plenty of evidence of election fraud and vote tampering, whether the democrats were involved with it or not, however it's irrelivant to the bigger problem that lies ahead.

Anger is high, i doubt either side will accept this election and both sides have rather strong voices for seeing the election process as broken, with that mindset as much as i hate to say it, violence is not only likely, but probably inevitable, we could be looking at the early stages of a civil war, though i think civil conflict is inevitable at this point, no matter who get's elected (fyi for biden voters, if this does go to the surpreme court, trump still has a better than average chance of winning, which again will stur up more anger and claims of "stolen elections", whether legitimate or not, and even if he does lose, the trump voters won't accept it, so it's a catch-22).
And before anyone outside of the us starts getting ideas that this is funny, if the us truly does fall into some form of civil war, the us's military policing of the world and hegemony breaks down, meaning china will invade the south pacific regions it's eyeing like japan and taiwan, and russia will probably move into europe, north korea is probably guaranteed to attack south korea and so forth, and keep in mind, many of these nations still have tactical defensive nuclear weapons that the united states gave them, no one wins in this scenario, so anyone who said prep, for once they actually have a damn good argument to make.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 30, 2020
Trump himself seems to be giving up:
Voter fraud?
There are still people using the phrase "drain the swamp," huh.
Jun 13, 2018
The more I look into what happened the more convinced I'm becoming Biden's little "gaffe" about having the most extensive voter fraud organization wasn't a gaffe at all, rather a freudian slip.

Would definitely explain how Biden's campaign did a complete 180 in the primaries after getting rekt in several states
Group Leader
Apr 9, 2018
Violence is probably the best answer since you definitely can't win by playing by the rules anyway. You can't win against the system.
Ironically, those who are part of "the resistance" against the system are bunch of useful idiots who are used by the system itself. They are the very system that they are resisting against.
Amusing yet really scary.

Anyway, I don't think a civil war will happen since Americans are way too domesticated and have too many things to lose at this point. Life is so convenient nowadays and even the worst is still very good. Maybe that's a good thing. At worst, there'd be a few protests where Trumpfans shout at the sky like the leftists did 4 years ago.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 11, 2020
While i understand that sentiment, history is rife with evidence of this turning into something like the spanish civil war or possibly the troubles of ireland, we also have to remember that for the last half year antifa and blm have been getting away with violence on a daily basis, priming people to essentially see no other option.
Civil war usually happens when a group or populous sees no choice in the matter, let's not kid ourselves, the proof of election theft is there, you can argue it doesn't matter all you want biden fans, but to people on the right, it does, and destroys faith in american democracy, when people think their vote doesn't matter, when they see no other option, that's when violence happens.
The main thing is, many people who voted for trump see their vote as stolen, true, but worse than that they see this as the start of a one party system, since now if get away with it once, they will get away with it from now on in every election, essentially ending any chance of a actual democratic process.
So if your in that mindset, what choices do people have, i will say that i know there are large scale anti government groups on both sides just licking their lips at this election, waiting for trump or biden to become the actual winner, to start some violence.
Then there's the states but i don't want to mention that atm until i have more info.
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 6, 2019
@porkwrangler Dems heavily advertised vote by mail system. Trump called it fraud. In many states those votes can only be counted on election day. Basically, the boost came from millions of mail-in ballots that heavily favored Biden.
Trump aggressively to stop it. You know, obstruct the voting. He failed, and now he is being dry-ass-fucked by it. Talking about voter fraud.
Most powerful member of the GFG
Super Moderator
Feb 16, 2020
Well guys, it is over, Mr. Biden will be elected as President of the United States of America.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2018
If I were american, I would be laughing in the face of every Trump supporter I know, lol.

But anyway, this win doesn‘t mean much. The corrupt fascists will probably hold the senate and the neo-liberals are too much of pussys to play hard with them. Just look at how Biden says „wE hAvE tO hEaL“. Democrats will never learn. They are like the woman in an abusive relationship going „THIS time he will change, I know it“.

But republicans don‘t change, they will obstruct, obstruct, obstruct. And 2024 there will be another Trump win. Or Tom Cotton. Or... brrr... Tucker Carlson.
Jun 13, 2018
I guess we'll see how the court cases in PA turn out now that poll watchers have gone on record stating that they were deprived of the right to inspect the mail-in ballots. Depending on the cases in PA, Trump will either have to concede or alternatively if the election is redone in PA/a number of mail-in ballots cast out, then it'll lead to several other similar cases in GA, MI and WI.

Also, let's not pretend that there isn't concrete evidence of trickery going on. It has been confirmed that mail-ins have been cast in the name of dead people and for me the most suspicious case is the computer 'glitch' in Michigan (iirc). Computers don't just glitch like that; either it's user error or a bug/feature. If it's one of the latter ones then that'll put into question all results from similar machines across the nation.
Double-page supporter
Oct 11, 2019

The media do not get to decide who won. It's not over till its over, as the saying goes.

Below is a famous image from when newspapers inaccurately reported the presidential election in the past.

Dex-chan lover
Sep 1, 2019
My biggest concern is what will happen to the antitrust suites, that is, assuming Trump does not win in the Supreme Court, which he likely will given three of them are appointed by him.
Most powerful member of the GFG
Super Moderator
Feb 16, 2020
I'm a stranger on the internet, clearly what I say is true and I don't have to give evidence to prove it /s

Yeah, after I posted I inmediately thought "I should've wirtten 'it looks like' instead", but I had to leave home so I didn't change it, sorry.
May 19, 2019
That Media is daring to censor even the president is another matter, whoever wins in the end has to fix that once and for all.
Most powerful member of the GFG
Super Moderator
Feb 16, 2020
Fine then, let's Bite za Dusto and return to 2016 with all of our memories and 0 power to change anything.
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