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  1. S

    Sword Art Online 4-koma - Vol. 2 Ch. 26.5

    Thanks for the translation
  2. S

    Sword Art Online Unital Ring - Vol. 3 Ch. 12.2 - Chapter 12 part 2

    yes, that litellary what happen in cake-verse
  3. S

    Sword Art Online Unital Ring - Vol. 3 Ch. 12.1 - Chapter 12 part 1

    you're welcome, i really appreciate it.
  4. S

    Sword Art Online Unital Ring - Vol. 2 Ch. 10

    I see, well i guess you have a point
  5. S

    Sword Art Online Unital Ring - Vol. 2 Ch. 10

    Sorry for the inconvenience, but i think i will keep them :>
  6. S

    Sword Art Online Unital Ring - Vol. 2 Ch. 10

    isn't it fine to leave it as is, i mean it kinda a waste to delete the split. people can skip it if they already read the compiled. :)
  7. S

    Sword Art Online Unital Ring - Vol. 2 Ch. 10.2 - Ch. 10 part 2

    oh is that how it work. well i will consider it in the future. thanks for the tip.
  8. S

    Sword Art Online Unital Ring - Vol. 2 Ch. 10.2 - Ch. 10 part 2

    Oh yeah, i was sure i upload them all, thx for the tip.
  9. S

    Sword Art Online Unital Ring - Vol. 2 Ch. 10.1

    yeah, they merge 30+ page from ln into a single manga page
  10. S

    Sword Art Online Unital Ring - Vol. 2 Ch. 10.1

    Duolingo bird got isekai'd
  11. S

    Sword Art Online Unital Ring - Vol. 2 Ch. 9 - Ch. 9

    The Russian TL deserve all the praise, they do all the work. I only translated it to English
  12. S

    Sword Art Online Unital Ring - Vol. 2 Ch. 8

    Oh yeah, seems i missing a page.😅
  13. S

    Sword Art Online Unital Ring - Vol. 2 Ch. 7.2 - Ch. 7 part 2

    I think, this arc will cover this survival game unital ring and the futuristic underworld. the underworld part seem to be still a bit further, i haven't read all the novel so i don't know exactly.
  14. S

    Sword Art Online Unital Ring - Vol. 2 Ch. 7.2 - Ch. 7 part 2

    Well, at least they won't get killed. But i like to think in the perspective of those VR game company that use seed package, since they literaly losing all of their players and nobody to sue (so far). Unital ring basically a death game for VR game company😅
  15. S

    Sword Art Online Iden: Kibaou-han! - Ch. 1

    some sao manga i never heard before, now i am interested
  16. S

    Sword Art Online Unital Ring - Vol. 2 Ch. 6 - Ch. 6

    You're welcome, thanks for always giving me tips
  17. S

    Sword Art Online Unital Ring - Vol. 1 Ch. 2 - Ch. 2

    Hello there, if you plan to continue translating this then i will stop, yours is better anyway, and that save me a lot of work. So thank you for translating this chapter
  18. S

    Sword Art Online Unital Ring

    Oh really, i am still new to all this, so it would be nice to get the materials. can you give a link or something
  19. S

    Sword Art Online - Kiss and Fly - Vol. 2 Ch. 7 - Молитва сестёр (Часть 2)

    Thanks for translating this manga, Please keep update this, i dont care if it not english, i just want to read it