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  1. UnitedVEXX

    Bokuben: we never learn manga ending

    I just finished watching and am about 3 quarters finished with the manga and After reading about how each girl has there own ending. I tried finding which volume has each girls endings but for the life of me I couldnt find anything. If anyone is able to list each which volume of the manga hold a...
  2. UnitedVEXX

    its a test of strength to try you hand against the might of a moderator

    its a test of strength to try you hand against the might of a moderator
  3. UnitedVEXX

    Need help finding manga (CASE CLOSED)

    Holy crap i can kiss you right now
  4. UnitedVEXX

    I posted a help find manga request like 2 days ago and damn mods got it shutdown just cause i...

    I posted a help find manga request like 2 days ago and damn mods got it shutdown just cause i talked about how i was "shirtless while typing this" cmon where's the freedom of...
  5. UnitedVEXX

    Need help finding manga (CASE CLOSED)

    I'm rewriting this again cause I guess the mods found it "inappropriate" to talk about what I was wearing at the time of writing my other help request that got taken down. anyways I am once again asking for a hero insert "holding out for a hero - Bonnie Tyler" plot: It starts with a really...
  6. UnitedVEXX

    I guess but I find I cool they use it a direct fire infantry support weapon and a mid range...

    I guess but I find I cool they use it a direct fire infantry support weapon and a mid range artillery piece
  7. UnitedVEXX

    all this hate for having a 100mm 2A70 main gun and a secondary 30mm 2A72 gun just jealous the...

    all this hate for having a 100mm 2A70 main gun and a secondary 30mm 2A72 gun just jealous the BMP-3 is the sexiest IFV in eastern europe. thats my status..
  8. UnitedVEXX


  9. UnitedVEXX


  10. UnitedVEXX

    Trying to Find a Manga I have lost{Case closed}

    Cheers your a real pearl
  11. UnitedVEXX

    Trying to Find a Manga I have lost{Case closed}

    So I was sitting in my math class when I remember a Manga I read In like 2023 it was a delinquent manga about a delinquent manga about a delinquent girl falling in love with the mc Who looks like a nerd but is actually a really strong ex delinquent The plot: So there our mc who is a nerd that...