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  1. goldensmacks

    Chainsaw Man

  2. goldensmacks

    I Love You, as a Friend

    @dudewithmagic youre reading a manga and want some deep ground breaking philosophy? just drop it and go, dont leave your biased review thinking you did something.
  3. goldensmacks


    ya know in, this is gonna be a fun ride
  4. goldensmacks

    Chainsaw Man

    what the fuck is happening
  5. goldensmacks

    This Croc Will Die In 100 Days

    maybe mouse wasn't able to work in the racing circuit.
  6. goldensmacks

    This Croc Will Die In 100 Days

    I didn't expect to enjoy this but I did and now I am in suspense for the hundredth day.
  7. goldensmacks

    Lies of the Sheriff Evans: Dead or Love

    @calvinthecalvin I hope not.
  8. goldensmacks

    Lies of the Sheriff Evans: Dead or Love

    So is nona part of the main cast now?
  9. goldensmacks


    yes, they're back!