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  1. VIralGrounds

    Mahou Shoujo Site - Vol. 15 Ch. 123 - ENTER.68 - Promise

    @Ihateusernames Sarina doesn't deserve a redemption arc nor praise. She's as much of a sack of shit as the brother.
  2. VIralGrounds

    Mahou Shoujo Site - Vol. 15 Ch. 120 - ENTER.65 - Men

    lol at all the ignorant pricks complaining about people who don't want to be treated like an infant in a +18 comic.
  3. VIralGrounds

    Hshs Sasero!! - Vol. 1 Ch. 3

    @DarklordVor Because there's nothing more wholesome than pedophilia.
  4. VIralGrounds

    Mahou Shoujo Site - Vol. 14 Ch. 110 - ENTER.55 - Awakening

    Oh finally, I've been dying for the next chapter to drop. Too fucking cute @gum_rummy I have no clue how they would continue the anime after how they ended it.
  5. VIralGrounds

    Mahou Shoujo Site

    Anime dropped the ball and went its own original route. Basically deleted a character and can't follow the manga. @Wake-the-winds It already jumped a sea dragon after the dad wore the panties.
  6. VIralGrounds

    Mahou Shoujo Site - Vol. 14 Ch. 109 - ENTER.54 - Louise

    @LLENN As a fairly casual manga reader, context extremely appreciated.
  7. VIralGrounds

    Mahou Shoujo Site - Vol. 11 Ch. 85 - ENTER 30 - 10 Days

    @Yamibi I'll legit send $200 paypal your way if she didn't/ they revive.
  8. VIralGrounds

    Mahou Shoujo Site - Vol. 13 Ch. 100 - ENTER.45 - Destroy

    @Send_In_The_Killer_Clowns Dude, my hand hurt when I attempted that shit.
  9. VIralGrounds

    Mahou Shoujo Site - Vol. 12 Ch. 97 - ENTER.42 - The Other Little Sister

    Misumi's name is so forgettable that I simply refer to him as Detective Buttsex now.
  10. VIralGrounds

    Mahou Shoujo Site - Vol. 12 Ch. 94 - ENTER.39 - Let's Study!

    I really hope Kaname's Father gets killed by Kaname. It would be satisfying for absolute trash to be killed by the absolute trash he raised.
  11. VIralGrounds

    Mahou Shoujo Site - Vol. 11 Ch. 86 - ENTER 31 - Collaborators

    @Sourmonkey I mean when you think about it, it works in their favor. The more lifespan they transfer to themselves to use the more negative energy they get. What I'd call an oversight is admins not being immune to stick abilities like time stopping and enslavement.
  12. VIralGrounds

    Mahou Shoujo Site - Vol. 11 Ch. 85 - ENTER 30 - 10 Days

    @Yamibi So did you just forget about Nijimin or....?
  13. VIralGrounds

    Mahou Shoujo Site Sept. - Vol. 2 Ch. 8 - SHIFT.8 - Truth

    I'm not a fan of memes either, but if people are going to bitch so much about some harmless jokes here and there then they can fuck off and find another TL.
  14. VIralGrounds

    Mahou Shoujo Site Sept. - Vol. 2 Ch. 5 - SHIFT.5 - Crack

    @miyako19 Yeah, no. I made an account just to respond to this ridiculousness because this is not the first, but SECOND time you woosh-ed. His joke was obvious and fine, and it's you who has such a personal problem that you would get so offended over jokes about a fictional character that you...