Creator said on the pixiv page it's undecided if they will continue it, so who knows. Probably wouldn't tag it as 'end' if they haven't outright said it was the end.
@Stormtomte Because it will fall under cosmetic surgery, and while healthcare in China relies on insurance (public and private) to put up a percentage of the costs, I doubt any of that will be available to use for an operation that is purely cosmetic. If they can't afford it out of their own...
I'd like to think (and hope) that this dream isn't literal, or a premonition. Kind of a way that his subconscious is telling him that Machiri has grown in importance to him, and the idea of letting her go will be extremely bad for him.
The people who complained aren't gonna read the rest anyway, unless they really have nothing better to do than read manga they dislike. So I'd rather you not drop the manga just because of a few comments.
Did everyone just forget that he's already been shown to do the dishes in Chapter 3? She's just filled them with water in that panel and didn't actually clean them.
Small nitpick, 18 isn't the age to drink alcohol in the UK, but rather to purchase it. Anyone from 5-16 can legally drink alcohol as long as it's in their or a relatives home. It's not officially recommended but it's not illegal.
Anyway, cute chapter as always.