Jul 12, 2019
Yunifer is a bit of a hypocrite and kinda a bad person, she wanted to avoid all the main characters in the novel and thus avoided everyone but Ishid. Since she avoided Rael, Rael was robbed of a best friend and because Yunifer is with Ishid, Rael was robbed of a lover/happy ending. So Yunifer basically just robbed Rael of a friend and of a lover. In the first place, since she knows that the character Yunifer is best friend with Rael and bullies Rael due to jealousy, can't she just be friends with Rael and not bully her to avoid death? But then again, I'm sure some people may do what the girl possessing Yunifer, the character, did. I suppose it's all about perspective and circumstances, but I still don't like how Yunifer can clearly see Ishid attachment to her and yet she's still trying to hook him up with Rael. I mean, even if Yunifer did sleep with Ishid, why doesn't she avoid him afterwards like she's done with Rael and just rejecting all his advances? It's abit hypocritical of her and yeah.
Apr 2, 2020
I feel so bad for Rael. She just wants to be friends. She’s being mistreated by everyone. Even Ishid is a dick to her.
Apr 12, 2019
I don't think what Yunifer did to Rael was really all that terrible.She just wanted to survive. It's not like Yunifer stopped Rael from making other friends. It's not Yunifer's fault that Rael is obsessed with her. The two of them were never even friends.
Jan 23, 2020
i still don’t feel bad for rael lmao. yunifer didn’t keep her from making other friends and moving on with her life, and even pointed out that she was uncomfortable around rael. did that not click in her head? don’t force yourself around someone when they show signs of being uncomfortable around you. gosh; you’d think that her obsession wouldn’t run so deep just bc yunifer gave her an explanation on why it’s hard for her to control mana.
Oct 13, 2019
This is about to sound a bit cold, but I honestly can’t understand why Rael is so sad here. Make other friends if Yunifer doesn’t want to hang out with you. I mean Yunifer isn’t obligated to like you. She doesn’t even dislike Rael, she’s just avoiding her for survival. I can’t even be mad at Yuni taking Ishid, because that was mostly a mistake on her part and the two of them have developed authentic feelings for one another. I want Rael to be happy but I honestly don’t understand how she managed to be so attached for someone who’s clearly pulling away: it’s borderline obsessive
Active member
Aug 20, 2019
By extension if we are to also judge Rael as a real human with full autonomy in her world rather than as a book character, then I really don't see why its so impossible for her to go around making new friends/relationships? If Yunifer could actively choose to participate in different groups to escape her fate of death, Rael really has no reason to be so caught up with Yunifer... big yandere vibes here
Aug 10, 2019
some of you in the comments aren’t putting two and two together properly. ishid had been infatuated with yunnifer since the beginning, whether or not they slept together, his feelings from her had already been stemmed. he even requested she take responsibility for the night they shared because she was the one who was drunk. rael on the other hand wasn’t held back the slightest by yunnifer from making other friends. why must rael be so hell bent on becoming buddy buddy with her? you guys are not making sense when you say yunnifer’s a hypocrite. she was trying to avoid coming into contact with the both of them in the first place.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 16, 2018
Gotta feel for this woman having to deal with these disturbed individuals who love her so much. But yeah I feel for Rael too, she felt a connection because they were basically destined to be best friends and Yunnifer was just avoiding her, of course it make her feel like shit
Jun 24, 2020
@ChibKip I agree that her character's a bit hypocritical at times, but I do disagree with the whole idea that she "robbed Rael of a friend and of a lover" given that they're not the same person and you're acting like she should soulessly follow her "destiny". I think it's a weirder behaviour to just assume she can't have her own emotions along with her own preferences and realistically don't even think choosing not to be friends with someone is as weird as you're portraying. A friendship isn't something you program and define as you please, and from her perspective I think it makes sense for her to think it'd just be too burdensome.
Apr 3, 2020
i mean everyone has the choice to be friends or not with someone... yunifer chose to distance herself from rael (though not explaining it to her is kinda sucky) but its not wrong of her? rael had two options after that:
1. move on and find new friends (remember its an academy... she could have tried to befriend her new roommate)
2. looking back constantly and feel bad for herself bc yunifer doesn’t want to be her friend
i just dont like how rael victimises herself when it comes to her “friendship” with yunifer... and for those who think that yunifer is an hypocrite remember guys: yunifer dodged ishid for all of their academy life. the only reason why she’s with him right now is because she got drunk (which could have reverted her back to her original self before the current yunifer: attracted to ishid) & since there was still time before rael and ishid were supposed to be together in the book... but then again i read that rael ends up with a different dude? so im not so sure if yunifer’s memories of the events are correct 🤔
May 9, 2020
i agree with all of the comments saying that they cant really sympathize with rael. yes, i feel bad for her during their school days since yunifer was purposely avoiding her, but it's been years. why can't she make new friends?? why is she so hell-bent on being close to yunifer?

yunifer has her own life, and even if she didn't have a reason to actively avoid rael (remember, she didnt want to be friends with her because she knew the plot of the og book), she has the right to not want to be friends with certain people. it's not like she bullied rael or anything--we literally see her being nice to her--she just didn't want to be friends. i dont get how she's in the wrong here

rael is perfectly capable of making other friends
Jun 9, 2020
Y'all how would you feel if your friend suddenly started avoiding you without telling you why. I mean yeah Yunifer has her reasons duh but that doesn't give her an excuse of cutting out Rael without telling her why. Also, ppl are probably gonna hate on me but I think Yunifer was stupid in the way she handled this situation. Like she knows she's a different person and instead of avoiding the ML and FL like every other isekai FL out there she could've stayed close and convinced Rael to break up with the red-head and help her forge a better ending with Ishid and Yunifer could also make her own happy ending (not dying)
Active member
Jun 8, 2019
@distressed_cactus sniping refers to when one decides to take a series that is already being worked on and also work on it as a continuation of the previous groups work despite not having the permission to do so. (copied this from a scans discord, hope it helped!)

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